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My Pen Books


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The next best thing to having pens is having books full of them. I'm spending this weekend getting my library in order, and I laid out all my pen books on the bed for a family photo. I'm missing my big Vacumatic book, which iI now realize was lost in a big fire that consumed my office a year ago (among other losses I'd rather not dwell on). The Montblanc and FPH pieces are brochures.

If you have other books about pens you can share, this would be a good place to do so, so we can all have an idea of what's out there and what we should get. (I don't have the Frank Dubiel and the Marshall & Oldfield repair books, for example.)
Edited by penmanila

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Frank Dubiel and the Marshall & Oldfield repair books,....I do have, ...sigh, so should repair a pen some day.


That is a very nice collection of pen books.

With out the translated '89 edition of Fountain pens by Andreas Lambrou, I'd know nothing. I highly recommend it.

I have the German version of Jonathan Steinberg's Fountain pen book; which you have.

Regina Martini's Fountain Pen book...........I saw her on a bring your 'antique or interesting junk' show, where she tried to sell a fountain pen for what it was worth but the dealers didn't want to spend money on it. I don't remember what pen it was, but it was worth @ that. She was a normal looking woman, and I had recognized her name.....even played it back and checked.

I have the three language big, 'The Ultimate Book of Pens' by Barbro Garenfeld and Dietmar Geyer



Three rusted shut Calligraphy books. :rolleyes:


I actually have more pen books than I thought. :huh:

When I moved I had to downsize my library/den four book cases (Wife got and deserved two of the bookcases).........now I'm down sizing to get the half the ink wells and ink well sets that are not clogging up the living room space into the book cases. When that happens my pen books will end up all in one place, instead of where there was room to shove them on top of other books.


There's one on nibs and feeds I should have, the name I don't remember. I have read it's the finest explanation. Something for one's detailed knowledge; unfortunately $$$$$, if and when it can be found.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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we've been over the 'book' side of things recently - not too far back so you should find the link easily. The Waterman booklet by Davis and Lehrer is great for pix but short on text ....... and if you're into Parker's then the Duofold and the 51 books are a must.

Have to say that I've not seen the Miller's book - but Judith, great girl, is often a tad too 'overview', when perhaps we need something a little more in-depth. But no doubt others have found her offering of much use.


I'd certainly second the comments on the Marshall & Oldfield manual - worth its weight in gold nibs. :)


Of course, Judith Miller may not, personally, have been responsible for that particular booklet.

Edited by PaulS
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These are mine, except the last one, signed by the author.


  • Fountain pens of the world

    Andreas Lambrou

    Classic Pens Ltd



    El legado de Conklin

    Alfonso Mur Bohigas

    Pens and friends SL



    The chronicle of the fountain pen

    Martins, Leite, Gagean

    Schiffer books



    Fountain pens

    Jonathan Steinberg

    Courage books



    Fabulous fountain pens

    Maggi, Negretti, Nencini

    Wrist Srl


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Marshall and Oldfield, Pen Repair

Hull, Marshall and Oldfield, Onoto Pen Repair

Hull, Onoto The Pen


A limited range of authors. :)


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The Fountain Pens of Esterbrook by Paul Hoban (FPN member) - my favorite!


Fountain Pens: A Collectors Guide by Peter Twydle


The Richards Pens Guide to Fountain Pens, Volume 2: Restoration by Richard Binder


The Chronicle of the Fountain Pen: Stories within a Story by Joao P. Martins


All available on Amazon

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very attractive - almost worth framing one or two I'd suggest. Steve Hull's CS book is probably of more use, globally, than his 'The English Fountain Industry 1875 - 1975', but both good in depth studies.

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That's a great collection! Pen books can be such a great resource. I think I've got a few that haven't been mentioned yet, but I just left town yesterday and won't be back home for a few weeks. I'll try to remember to post what I've got once I'm back home.

I've got a blog!

Fountain Pen Love

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BoBo Olson: There's one on nibs and feeds I should have, the name I don't remember. I have read it's the finest explanation. Something for one's detailed knowledge; unfortunately $$$$$, if and when it can be found.


I'd really be interested in obtaining this one if you can remember the title and author. Thanks Bo Bo.

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