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Waterman Agorà


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It's the same model as the Forum (Forum being 'marketplace' in Latin and Agora in Greek), but with a pattern rather than flat colour.


Nice pens, these were towards the bottom of the price range, one up on the school pens, but the nibs are the same as or very similar to other Waterman pens of the period (1980s). They write pretty well, sometimes need a bit of tweaking; and they take regular Waterman cartridges or international shorts (or I *think* long, but I haven't tried) or converter.


They do need looking after as the patterned layer can rub off at the edges of the cap, particularly. That said I used one daily for four or five years and still have it, and it doesn't look that bad.


There's a very wide range of colours so they're quite fun to collect. They also seem to have been popular as advertising pens, at least in France - I've found quite a few promotional pens at sales.

Too many pens, too little time!


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