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Seitz Kreuznach Slate Grey


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One of the new colours from SK. This is my first review since I moved. I don't have my scanner with me anymore, so we'll have to settle with my iPhone camera. The writing sample is colour-adjusted with a grey card.


This ink is not what I expected from SK (in a good way): SK inks are usually medium or low saturated, watery but not lubricating. This one is quite different. It's somewhat lubricating and highly saturated. I expected a pale grey but it turns out to be very dark, so dark that I'd say it's black.


On the brim of the bottle you can see a hint of purple.






Oops, I forgot the water test. Will report later. [Edit: see the following pic]




There's a subtle matte sheen where it shades.



I don't have most of my inks with me anymore so I can't do any comparison. I'd very much love to see this compared to Sailor Chu-shu, another purple grey.

Edited by Lgsoltek
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Oooo, this looks like how I thought KWZI Grey Plum was going to look like. It sadly ended up more Plum than Grey. Still others will soon be able to sample it as I've passed on the bottle to Sinistral1 for distribution.


This, and after a quick Google search, Panthers Black is now on the list.


Thank you once again for a brilliant review - especially so soon after your move. Congratulations.



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Thanks so much for the review... This one is now on my list... :D





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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." -Stephen Hawking,

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Interesting. This one looks a fair amount like De Atramentis Albrecht Dürer (Anthracite), which is an ink I'm still trying to make up my mind about. Thanks for the review.

As for KWZI Grey Plum.... If I had known you didn't like it, Tas, I would have been happy to take it off your hands (I have it in the replacement Pelikan Café Crème, with a B nib, and just love the color).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


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Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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That's very nice! Right now, my favorite gray (and the only one I've bought in a bottle) is De Atramentis Fog Grey.

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Interesting. This one looks a fair amount like De Atramentis Albrecht Dürer (Anthracite), which is an ink I'm still trying to make up my mind about. Thanks for the review.

As for KWZI Grey Plum.... If I had known you didn't like it, Tas, I would have been happy to take it off your hands (I have it in the replacement Pelikan Café Crème, with a B nib, and just love the color).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


edited for content



So sorry. I'd have loved for it to have gone to a good home.

Still, hopefully many will be able to play with it now it's gone to Inkster heaven.


(will look up De Atrementis Anthracite later, no joys just now)

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So sorry. I'd have loved for it to have gone to a good home.

Still, hopefully many will be able to play with it now it's gone to Inkster heaven.


(will look up De Atrementis Anthracite later, no joys just now)


Hey, it happens.

I'm not sure whether you can get Anthracite by itself (you'd probably have to check the D'A website). I know that besides being relabeled as AD, it's also relabeled as Julius Cesear -- and I suspect that -- with scent added -- it's relabeled as Black Roses.

It was really a bit annoying, because AD USED to be relabeled Silver Grey -- which is an awesome color, and probably my favorite grey ink (I have a bottle of it relabeled as Tchaikowsky).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Hey, it happens.

I'm not sure whether you can get Anthracite by itself (you'd probably have to check the D'A website). I know that besides being relabeled as AD, it's also relabeled as Julius Cesear -- and I suspect that -- with scent added -- it's relabeled as Black Roses.

It was really a bit annoying, because AD USED to be relabeled Silver Grey -- which is an awesome color, and probably my favorite grey ink (I have a bottle of it relabeled as Tchaikowsky).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Your tip off paid dividends . . . LOOK !




It's gorgeous. Thank you.


I miss plistumi's dictionary :(

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Very nice. I love the purple grays. Have you tried Robert Oster's Purple Rock? It's another gray that looks almost black on many papers but shows its purple qualities on others.

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Great review! I like that this ink does what it says on the tin: slate grey indeed!

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B. Russell

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  • 1 year later...

A bottle of Scheifergrau arrived a few days ago and, to add my 2c worth, its a nice ink to use if you like serious, dark inks but find pure black too mono-dimentional.


For my taste I would have been happier if the exciting slate-purple visible in the liquid ink had been more prominent on the page but I'm happy I bought it and can imagine using often.

Less is More - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

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Very interesting plum undertones. Since Seitz-Kreuznach inks are so inexpensive from their official website, I might pick this one up for my spring ink shopping tour.


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