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Relying On Mr. Westerich?


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With all due respect to all members of FPN, and Mr. Westerich in particular, and in connection to relatively fresh discussion regarding the similar issue, I would very much appreciate any comment or experience description on the following:


A few months ago, by e-mail I contacted Mr. Westerich regarding some parts for some newer MB No.12 (please see the topic here:

(https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/304340-advice-on-repair-centrepenmeister-in-europe/?do=findComment&comment=3565145). Within a couple of days, which is reasonable elapse of time, I received reply from him, in which he said he could help, meaning that he had the parts for No 12 I needed, and was willing to sell them to me.

In my next e-mail, I asked about the price and what payment method he wanted (Paypal, directly to bank account, IBAN, whatever), because I desperately want to put this lovely No. 12 in a good working condition.

Since then, no reply...????

What is going on?


I stress again that I have no intention to offend anyone, because all I wanted from Mr. Westerich to get a reply to my polite question...


Also, I apologize for my bad English, hoping that topic readers will easily understand what I wanted to say.


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If he doesn't reply, then cross him off your list. I would say, avoid calling someone on the carpet. You're letting thousands of people know that he hasn't replied to you. He may very well be someone who does bad business, but it could also be any number of reasons. He could be I'll, his computer could be broken. It could be any number of personal issues. I don't mean to bust your chops because I might do the same thing you're doing. I'm just saying we shouldn't do it this way😃😃😃😃

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If he doesn't reply, then cross him off your list. I would say, avoid calling someone on the carpet. You're letting thousands of people know that he hasn't replied to you. He may very well be someone who does bad business, but it could also be any number of reasons. He could be I'll, his computer could be broken. It could be any number of personal issues. I don't mean to bust your chops because I might do the same thing you're doing. I'm just saying we shouldn't do it this way

4x4, thanks for advice. The similar, even worse situation was described in the topic I mentioned in the beginning of the post (unfortunately I cannot find the link here, right now). Apart from personal issues, the rest sounds bad for the business. I do not find anything wrong in "letting thousands of people know that he hasn't replied to (me)".. Hey it's T.W, respected penmeister!!!! We all share the same love for pens, and I think that all of us should have the same initial treatment.

In my business, from which I make money for living, everyone gets reply, whatever reason for delay might be....

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I don't know what went wrong with the second mail of yours to Tom.

I had a completely different experience. Tom answered promptly and kindly to my correspondance, when I ordered some pens from his website and even when I asked him the permission to reproduce some pictures from his website.

I found Tom as a friendly and professional pen expert and dealer...

Greetings from Italy to you all !!



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4x4, thanks for advice. The similar, even worse situation was described in the topic I mentioned in the beginning of the post (unfortunately I cannot find the link here, right now). Apart from personal issues, the rest sounds bad for the business. I do not find anything wrong in "letting thousands of people know that he hasn't replied to (me)".. Hey it's T.W, respected penmeister!!!! We all share the same love for pens, and I think that all of us should have the same initial treatment.

In my business, from which I make money for living, everyone gets reply, whatever reason for delay might be....

Hey, no hard feelings, here.😀😀😀
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I'm still waiting for notice that the repaired celluloid 146 has found its way to the mail much less that repairs are complete, now over two weeks since email assurance of the latter. His Penboard partner has been most helpful but, short of completing the repairs himself and putting said pen in the mail, I'm afraid can't solve the issue. I consider it a transatlantic hostage of hundreds of euros.

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I had a stellar transaction with him about three years ago.

I know he went through some recent rough times to say the least. I hope you get in touch with him and everything works out for the best.

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Hey, no hard feelings, here.

4x4- no hard feelings, at all

we're just discussing probably different angles of a view to a certain topic :)

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Why didn't you just write him another email instead of starting this topic here? Your email might have missed him, went to the spam file or what ever. … ...


Montblanc collector since 1968. Former owner of the Montblanc Boutique Bremen, retired 2007 and sold it.
Collecting Montblanc safeties, eyedroppers, lever fillers, button fillers, compressors - all from 1908 - 1929,
Montblanc ephemera and paraphernalia from 1908 to 1929,
Montblanc Meisterstück from 1924 up to the 50s,
Montblanc special and limited editions from 1991 to 2006
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Sorry PP. A monthly email that went unheeded until poked by his partner and an acknowledgement of ignorance suggests they went unheeded, not unrecognized.

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I had a stellar transaction with him...


Same here. Good communication end excellent service.

I believe it takes years and a lot of hard work to earn the good reputation that Tom has. Do not let a communication problem, or what could be a personal problem, diminish that in any way.

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Well if he hasn't taken anything from you (pens/money) then no foul done just cross off your list and look elsewhere. No need to have 'rang a bell' here if it's just about an unanswered email. Maybe he's busy, maybe he's gone sick, maybe there's been an accident, maybe he's fighting with his wife, maybe he lost a lot of money and is depressed. Last thing he may want to think about is your email? :)

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I bought a 146 from Tom a while ago and found him to be honest, fair and reliable.

Your narrative only proves that he is unable or unwilling to serve you at this time. My suggestion is: look elsewhere.


Maxpens, for example, as others have already suggested.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is quite difficult to look elsewhere for service because the pen is in Mr. Westerich's possession as of 8 months ago. I don't think I'm whining.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it is quite difficult to look elsewhere for service because the pen is in Mr. Westerich's possession as of 8 months ago. I don't think I'm whining.

Have you asked him to return the pen to you forthwith? I would because I am very impatient and always in a hurry.


Keep in mind that Tom is a human being and not a corporation. Furthermore, he has friends and partners that you can turn to. Your pen is not being held hostage. It will come back to you.

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Why didn't you just write him another email instead of starting this topic here? Your email might have missed him, went to the spam file or what ever. … ...

I see no point to send third mail, urging reply to the second mail? Missed mail and/or spam, isn't possible -for important communication (negotiation on the issue of pen repair is important to me), I use some nice e-mail filters and settings installed in MS Outlook- no errors so far.

Never mind, let's end this topic. I'll find another penmeister.

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Same happened to my father. He sent a pen to him to repair, he never replied after that, even thou he has been a costumer of his before. He's quite cross that he doesn't receive any answer whatsoever. We know he's been through some personal problems but still...

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As Pravda says, you have lost nothing except a little time in emailing Tom, so I cannot understand why you have raised something so minor, with the potential for much larger repercussions (for Tom) in such a public arena. Remember, the 'intention' does not need to exist for the unintended consequence to occur.

I can't imagine just how many customers Tom will have dealt with over the years, and for whatever reason he invariably will have some dissatisfied ones, but the vast majority will have been completely satisfied with their dealings and, as is the nature of things, this majority will be an unheard 'silent' majority.

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Well, he is running a business so I do not really understand the objections to bringing this to light here after all the other avenues of contacting him have been exhausted (and yes, I am one of those people who have been affected by this). I took my business elsewhere for the time being and yes, I unfortunately understand all too well what going through such a personal tragedy is like.


The thing that gets my goat is the fact that things were and are happening on penboard.de and on their Facebook page but somehow magically and miraculously peoples contact requests and messages are not being replied to. It is not like he disappeared from the face of the earth and it has been like... nine months so far? Also, there was no notice of his troubles elsewhere. No "Sorry, I am not able to conduct business at the moment" notice on their page or on FB. Repeated attempts to contact them via the info@penboard.de and messages to their Facebook page went without any kind of reply. First I thought he was on a prolonged holiday but then I just gave up.


Will I do business with him in the future? Well, let's see how this plays out.


And yes, I really do most sincerely hope he is doing better now.

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We have people using pseudonyms (to safeguard their privacy) publicly attacking Tom Westerich. That's disrespectful.

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