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Oversized Budget Pens


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Hello All!


I'll be heading over to the Philadelphia Pen Show this weekend, and in my excitement, I asked a family friend who had shown interest in fountain pens if she'd want me to look seek something out for her. Her response was to look for something oversized, to help prevent pain from arthritis, and preferably green. I'm also leaning towards a medium nib after seeing her write. Any suggestions while trying to stay within a budget of about $50? I'm open to vintage, but have NO personal experience with them or their mechanisms. So far I'm just a modern converter guy...As far as I know, cracking is the biggest thing to watch out for, but if anyone leaves a vintage suggestion, please also leave a not that may be relevant to that particular pen, if applicable.


Thanks again guys!


Huh, Should've put Budget Oversize pens... Ah well.

Edited by chinstrap
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Jinhao 159. Be mindful of the wieight tho.





Edited by sciumbasci
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I have no idea whether such a pen would be available in Philadelphia but I recently acquired a Gama Supreme pen which is both oversize and green. The pen is made in India from Ebonite and takes standard #6 nibs. While it is large, it is not heavy ... lighter than my Jinhao 159. The Gama takes (standard international) cartridges, a converter or can be used as an eye-dropper.



Andy sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled ...

(With apologies to Andrew Barton "Banjo" Paterson)

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The Jinhao 159 meets the specifications of the OP but weight can be a problem with arthritis. Indian pens like the Gama are lighter and can be found in many sizes - and in various shades of green, too. Some of them are fitted with converters but most are eyedroppers.

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I don't know if you'll get one at the show, but the Kaigelu 316 has got to be unbeatable for $19.

Unfortunately it doesn't come green though, but still worthy of a look, they are astonishing for the money and look stunning.



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FWIW, the Wing Sung feels really really cheap. The Jinhao 159 is much better, especially if you swap the nib for another #6 nibs from Jowo or Bock.

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The best part of a pen show is the ability to talk to so many different vendors. You'll get to hold different styles and brands of fountain pens to form your own opinions. If you go in with $50 cash, then you'll feel comfortable with what you came to spend.


Oversize vintage in usable condition will be hard to find in that price range. But you'll have better peace of mind if you find a good one at a pen show than just hope from eBay.



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If you want to look at an absolute beast of a pen, I'd recommend considering the Ranga Model 5.


Made in India from ebonite, available in various colors. I have the matte black, but a green ripple is also available.


It takes the standard #6 JoWo nib. You can see them at Teri's site at Peyton Street Pens.




They take standard International cartridges, but can also be converted to eyedropper fillers easily with a bit of silicone grease.


They're a bit above the $50 range but not by much.


I have one but it's too large for my hands. I'm hoping to sell it some day.

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Laban Mento is a bit higher in price than you're looking for but is a lovely, quality pen, oversize and yet quite light in the hand. If there's a deal available or a secondhand pen, you might be lucky. I have four Mentos and love them dearly - and yes, there are green ones.


Sheaffer NoNonsense, if it qualifies as oversize, could be a contender. You might also look at some of the third tier pens - I've seen some lovely Wearevers and 'Lincoln' pens in bright greens, and they are not expensive. Certainly not compared to a Parker Duofold jade green!

Too many pens, too little time!


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