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My Twsbi 580 Broke! Advice?


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Today, I was screwing the nib unit back onto my Twsbi 580 when the nib unit broke at the collar threads. Now part of the threads are stuck in the recessed hole in the body of the barrel. I don't believe that overtightening was the cause of breakage, since Ive been pretty gentle on the pen. It's been almost 2 years since I've bought the pen, but should I try to contact Twsbi to see if they can fix/replace it? Or is this considered a reasonable lifespan of the Twsbi? Should I chalk this one as a loss and buy another pen?




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The Twsbi website mentions that all Twsbi products have an unlimited warranty. They usually send replacement parts as soon as they receive a complaint.

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Email TWSBI at twsbiinc@gmail.com. Show them these pictures and they'll advise you on what to do.


TWSBIs do come with a lifetime warranty ;)




http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/557449480_2f02cc3cbb_m.jpg http://null.aleturo.com/Dumatborlon/Badges/5EH4/letter.png
A sincere man am I
From the land where palm trees grow,
And I want before I die
My soul's verses to bestow.
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in rain.
Time to die.


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You're going to have to unscrew the part of the nib unit that's caught in the threads - which should be possible with a bit of ingenuity. That will enable a new nib unit to be screwed on.


TWSBI should replace this for you under their customer satisfaction guarantee (or warranty, or whatever, just contact them at twsibiinc@gmail.com) - but even if not, a replacement nib unit for US$20 would enable you to get your pen back into service again...

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TWSBI are a delight to deal with in terms of customer service.


I had a cracked cap on a 580 that I purchased secondhand, emailed twsbiinc@gmail.com ​and they sent one out straight away no questions asked.

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TWSBI is so easy to work with. Amazing, really. They really are a company leading the way in terms of customer service.


As a matter-of-fact I logged in for the sole purpose to start a thread mentioning that they are awesome to work with.


You can either email them at the already mentioned email address, or use their "contact us" form on their site. I am not affiliated with them in any way, shape or form (other than now owning several of their pens) so I obviously can't say what they may or may not do, but I do think that you will walk away satisfied.



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I've had this happen too. Super annoying.


Here's what I did: unbend a paper clip and use the end to rotate the piece until it unscrews itself and falls out of the barrel. There's not a lot of threading, so it shouldn't be too hard.


Then email TWSBI - they sent me a new sleeve for the feed and nib.

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Before you toss that collar, pull the o-ring and hang onto it. Never hurts to harvest spares when you can.


My collar also broke (but in a different way) on my Mini and the one I got as a replacement was made of a different kind of plastic. It was almost a matte black instead of the shiny, glossy black you have there. The new plastic seems more rigid and firmer. I'd be curious to know if they changed the material for this very reason...

Edited by sirgilbert357
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