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Diabolo Menthe - J. Herbin


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J. Herbin is known to be the oldest name in ink production in the world, and their inks 'l'Encre de la Tete Noire", "Perle des Encres," (The Jewel of Inks) and "l'Encre des Vaisseaux" (The Ink of Ships) were produced as early as 1700.

M. Herbin was a sailor, and from his many journeys to India he brought back to Paris formulas for manufacturing sealing wax. His special lacquer formula improved the quality of the seals in adhesion and neatness, helping him to become famous throughout the kingdom.

J. Herbin is also the oldest name in ink production in the world.

By 1700, the company was producing “l’Encre de la Tete Noire,” followed by “Perle des Encres,” (The Jewel of Inks) and “l’Encre des Vaisseaux” (The Ink of Ships).

J. Herbin made ink for Louis XIV, and a black ink for the sole use of Victor Hugo, author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables. These formulas still reside in our company headquarters in Paris.

At the moment company belongs to Exaclair Inc, that has rights to brands like Clairefontaine, Rhodia, Brause or G. Lalo.

J. Herbin offers 30 standard colors:


  1. Ambre de Birmanie
  2. Bleu Azur
  3. Bleu Myosotis
  4. Bleu Nuit
  5. Bleu Pervenche
  6. Bouquet d'Antan
  7. Bouton d'Or
  8. Cacao du Bresil
  9. Cafe des Iles
  10. Diabolo Menthe
  11. Eclat de Saphir
  12. Gris Nuage
  13. Larmes de Cassis
  14. Lie de The
  15. Lierre Sauvage
  16. Orange Indien
  17. Perle Noire
  18. Poussiere de Lune
  19. Rose Cyclamen
  20. Rose Tendresse
  21. Rouge Bourgogne
  22. Rouge Caroubier
  23. Rouge Opera
  24. Rouille d'Ancre
  25. Terre de Feu
  26. Vert Empire
  27. Vert Olive
  28. Vert Pre
  29. Vert Reseda
  30. Violette Pensee

I know many people find J. Herbin inks too muted and boring but I enjoy most of them. I believe J. Herbin makes amazing and unique ink.

What can I say abnout Diabolo Menthe? Well, I hate everything about it. Bright turquoise is my least favourite color. No. It's much more. It's the color that hunts me in my nightmares.

For me Diabolo Menthe is the incarnation of ugliness. Not only it's similar in color to Triton's palace floor but it's also weakly saturated and pastel. Take it away from me. Please.

Someone really evil-minded has offered me the bottle. Some people are like that.


Ink splash


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Software ID




Clairefontaine, Kaweco Sport Classic, B nib




Semikolon, Kaweco Sport Classic, B

It looks greener on absorbent cream paper






Edited by visvamitra
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But but but... it looks good when used with a dip nib!


(Of course, I can't do that sort of writing. Someone I know can though :P )





http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/557449480_2f02cc3cbb_m.jpg http://null.aleturo.com/Dumatborlon/Badges/5EH4/letter.png
A sincere man am I
From the land where palm trees grow,
And I want before I die
My soul's verses to bestow.
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in rain.
Time to die.


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Thanks for the review. I don't see any use for this color, though.

"One can not waste time worrying about small minds . . . If we were normal, we'd still be using free ball point pens." —Bo Bo Olson


"I already own more ink than a rational person can use in a lifetime." —Waski_the_Squirrel


I'm still trying to figure out how to list all my pens down here.

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I really enjoy your ink reviews. They're in-depth and entertaining.


To me, J. Herbin inks are unique. They flow nicely, have subtle shading, and are suitable for a range of occasions. My favourite is Poussière de Lune.


Please, visit my website at http://www.acousticpens.com/

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Thanks for the review. I don't see any use for this color, though.


+1 - I like nearly all colors but this one is too pale to be practical.


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This one agitates me.

"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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I could maybe see someone using this as an alternative to yellow or orange for highlighting; those yellow-greens look positively toxic! I certainly agree, though, that I wouldn't be able to make it more than a sentence or two across a page without having to fight an overwhelming impulse to "re-write" the letters in with a darker ink... Ohh! I bet this would look AWESOME in a broad nib, written over with a fine nib in Eclat de Saphir—I'll have to try that sometime! (Diamine Imperial Purple and J. Herbin Pousierre De Lune look AMAZING written over each other)...

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I love this color and will gladly take the unwanted ink off your hands if you so desire! lol ;)


I love aqua-turquoise colors and ADORE pastels so this ink is right up my alley!


Thank you for your review and the amazing pictures as always!

Tessy Moon

My thoughts are filled with beautiful words for the King, and I will use my voice as a writer would use pen and ink. Psalm 45:1

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dont like the ink.... probably can be used for shading or sketching....

review is amazing as always...

vaibhav mehandiratta

architect & fountain pen connoisseur


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It looks like a nice ink to use on top on a dark turquoise paper or any dark paper for that matter.

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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I don't mind the colour, it may have some possibilities for drawing or mixing purpose. What I hate is how dry this ink is, it's almost unusable, the most frustrating ink I own.

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I have a bottle. By itself it is very light, not an ink to use for writing...however...


in a sample vial, it can be darkened with:




darker green.


It serves as a base. Remember to shake the bottle before using the ink.

Be Happy, work at it. Namaste

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