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Parker 61 Enigma ...


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Dear FPN friends,

I recently acquired a Parker 61 capillary filler that is a bit of a mistery to me. I presume it is a gold filled / rolled gold Insignia/Signet, but the pattern on the pen doesn't match any of the examples I found on the net. The pattern does look very much like a solid gold Presidential that is shown on Parkerpens.net (http://parkerpens.net/parker61.html) ... Oh how I wish it is a Presidential :D


The cap is quite heavy and weighs 14 grams. The barrel (without the section) weighs 9 grams ...


But ... the thing is that the pen has no hallmarks, Parker name or logo whatsoever engraved/stamped on either cap or barrel ... I'm hoping some of you can shed some light on this riddle ...








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Also, I don't see any jewels. And the clip isn't like any Parker 61 clip I know of. Did they put a little spring loaded thingie in the butt end of the barrel, to seat against the end of the filler?

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Did they put a little spring loaded thingie in the butt end of the barrel, to seat against the end of the filler?


Yes that's in there ...

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The pen does look like gold in that there is a slight softness to the engraving so I have done a little research.


I have a 61 Insignia. It does not have the grey jewels but is lighter with the cap weighing 9g and the barrel 7g. Another feature is that original Parker models with gold caps had gold arrows collars on the section.


Considering the unusual clip, it does look like a re-bodied pen.


If you know a proper jeweller they will be able to tell you if it is solid gold simply by feeling it.. You may have done rather well.

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TNX so far everyone!! Based on your input I think I found a similar pen ....


here: http://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/7339-My-Parker-61-solid-18k-gold-quot-Carioquinha-quot

and here: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/266242-61-presidential-in-18k/?hl=%2Bparker+%2Bpresidential


I've come to believe it is a "Carioquinha" based on a Parker 61 section, made by the Brazilian goldsmith Celestino Praça in the 1950/60's.

If it is, it has a 18k solid gold cap and a gold plated barrel ... the only thing missing on my pen is the '18' and 'CP' (= Celestino Praça) marks on the clip that is present on the pen in the links ...


Guess my next (physical) steps will be to a jeweler to have the pen appraised ...

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That's one very, very nice pen. It's very beautiful. There can't be a lot of those around. Perhaps they have individual pecularities of low production items. It's beautiful, like a wonderful dream.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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