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Lamy 2000 Nib Sizes


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I have just disassembled and reassembled a bargain Lamy 2000 (two cap cracks to weld), a first generation L2K which fills a gap in my collection.


Now the first generation all show the nib size on the section. This one has me foxed, as it is a 'U' (or possibly a 'C' on its side). It looks good and broad, 1mm to 1.2mm at a guess (haven't got my vernier gauge with me), with a good lot of tipping.


Can anyone help? Can't think what this ought to stand for, possibly because my German isn't good enough ...


Sorry for the rather poor pic, but it more or less does the job :-)


Too many pens, too little time!


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Cursive Italic perhaps?



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Not too sure what does the U stand for, but on this old thread, someone said his U nib was an italic.








http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1348/557449480_2f02cc3cbb_m.jpg http://null.aleturo.com/Dumatborlon/Badges/5EH4/letter.png
A sincere man am I
From the land where palm trees grow,
And I want before I die
My soul's verses to bestow.
All those moments will be lost in time.
Like tears in rain.
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That is a beautiful nib. Congrats! 18k?


I have observed that the nib codes are stamped aligned along the axis of the pen, so the code is most likely U only instead of C.


Given the width of this nib, C could mean Coarse, but I feel that is not it.

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Yes Epic, that looks very similar! So, K for Kugel (ball pointed) and U for italic, because K for Kursiv wouldn't work - but I still can't think what U actually stands for.


I understand (and I may be wrong) that the German for italic is Kursiv. I am sure that someone from Germany can help on this one.


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Thanks for the compliments Hari. I think I'm going to enjoy using this one, as long as the silicone grease has sorted out the leakage problem.


And yes, it's an 18k nib.


The pen came in a job lot of black German piston fillers - I got a couple of nice PFs including a Bohler and a Kaha Juwel, a 'Caesar' green pearl button filler which I suspect may be Italian, an amber demonstrator, and ten other pens. And this one!!!! and the whole lot cost about the same as I'd expect to pay for a L2K on its own.

Too many pens, too little time!


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I understand (and I may be wrong) that the German for italic is Kursiv. I am sure that someone from Germany can help on this one.


I'm not German, but live in Germany. Kursiv is the German word for italic, but I doubt they would use a "K" marking for that since Kugel being used for ball-point is common.


It's a stab in the dark, but the "U" could stand for Unterschrift. Literally "under write", it means "signature".

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I have been looking at the current website, which lists 8 nibsizes, nothing with U or C.


The 1997 catalogue does not list nibsizes.

The 1979 catalogue states 11 nibsizes, without actually listing them. So we do not know which 3 nibs there were extra then.


U for Unterschrift/Signature sounds a possibility.



Looking at the letter orientation in the pen Hari got the other day this is U and not C.






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I have been looking at the current website, which lists 8 nibsizes, nothing with U or C.


The 1997 catalogue does not list nibsizes.

The 1979 catalogue states 11 nibsizes, without actually listing them. So we do not know which 3 nibs there were extra then.


U for Unterschrift/Signature sounds a possibility.



Looking at the letter orientation in the pen Hari got the other day this is U and not C.





Available nib grades: extra fine (EF) / fine (F) / medium (M) / broad ( B) / extra broad (BB) / oblique, medium (OM) / oblique, broad (OB) / oblique, extra broad (OBB).



the 9th was MK, (Medium Kugel) it was an option when I bought my Lamy2000 new in 2004 or so...


edit: found this nib chart on the internet, it lists the LH also as an option, but not sure if it was made available on the Lamy2000.



Edited by hari317

In case you wish to write to me, pls use ONLY email by clicking here. I do not check PMs. Thank you.

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  • 2 years later...

I got a response directly from Lamy:



We did print a 'u' on the inkeed [sic] in the 60's to indicate that this specific pen has a special calligraphy nib.

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