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Does This Converter Fit Kaweco Sport?


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A tentative yes. You need to be careful to not fill the converter up completely or you will literally end up with a mini fountain of ink gushing out when you screw the barrel back in. This is because the plunger bit at the end is longer than the pen body.

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A tentative yes. You need to be careful to not fill the converter up completely or you will literally end up with a mini fountain of ink gushing out when you screw the barrel back in. This is because the plunger bit at the end is longer than the pen body.


Technically no, by the time you screw the barrel on, there won't be much ink left in the converter itself. That's assuming the nipple holds it too (as some of the converters just simply won't stay attached to the Kaweco nipple, much the same way some won't stay firmly on the faber-castell one). If it would stay attached, I would have just cut off the end of the monteverde one, drilled a tiny little hole thru the end and used a hook to fill.


This is what it pushes up to in the AL Sport.




#9 here (Templar Skinny Mini) is what works in the Kaweco, but it can get kind of messy, it's just easier syringe filling a empty standard cartridge which holds more ink anyways (around 0.48ml instead of around ~0.2-0.25ml).



Edited by KBeezie
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It is not good but I do not like squeeze converters in general. I just refilled the pen to test the converter and it filled slowly but it seemed to work.

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It is not good but I do not like squeeze converters in general. I just refilled the pen to test the converter and it filled slowly but it seemed to work.


Well with the plastic sports, can always stick on an o-ring, little bit of silicone grease and fill it eye-dropper style for larger ink capacity.

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Just a little food for thought: I love my Kaweco sport, and I do not mind that it takes short international cartridges. A cartridge will write for a couple of days, and it is super easy to carry a spare. There are many more options in international cartridges now then there were 30 years ago. A wide variety of ink is available. To my mind, this is not a problem to be solved – it is a feature of small, portable pens.

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Thanks, think I'm going to refill a cart as reviews on the Kaweco squeeze converter are terrible.


Yep, thats what I do.


If you're so inclined, you could make it an eyedropper. I made my demonstrator an eye dropper.

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It works well.






This is the info on the Kaweco site: http://www.kaweco-pen.com/en/Schreibgeraete/andere_serien/zubehoer/ersatzteile-federn/ersatzteile-federn.php


I bought my converter from Iridium in Kendal for £3.



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Malcy. So your converter might be a newer version of Kaweco converter? The squeeze converter in my picture is also from Kaweco.

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From personal experience you're much better off converting to an eyedropper or reusing the supplied cartridge. The Kaweco squeeze converter renders the flow rather temperamental resulting in occasional blobbing and frequent skipping and poor flow. As soon as I converted to an ED it massively improved. No burps either, even when the ink is low.


The Monteverde converter doesn't fit very well at all.

Edited by WateryFlow
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No, No, No. Oddly, it fits the roller ball and not the fountain pen and it might have fit some older versions, hence the confusion. I use a syringe to fill the Kaweco squeeze, which also fits some Sheaffer, and their cartridges.

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It works well.






This is the info on the Kaweco site: http://www.kaweco-pen.com/en/Schreibgeraete/andere_serien/zubehoer/ersatzteile-federn/ersatzteile-federn.php


I bought my converter from Iridium in Kendal for £3.



I have this converter, I got mine at Jet pens. It works great.

Increase your IQ, use Linux AND a Fountain pen!!http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk11/79spitfire/Neko_animated.gif

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You can always cut off a cartridge and shellac a shortened sac to it. That works very well.

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