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Any Good Wooden Pencils


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(This is a non-fp topic, but still related to pens.)


I just noticed that the pencil side of my pen case is almost empty even though i like wooden pencils quite a bit (yes, i can write with something else than a fp too. I know it can be hard to believe).

I want something with a very dark lead, it can be quite soft but should still be suitable for writing (so no 5Bs or similar) and it should not be too scratchy.

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While originals can get "pricey", Blackwings are nice pencils. Dixon, Berol and Palomino make good ones as do Uni and Steadtler. Plenty of choices. I prefer a 2mm lead holder, easier to re-point without requiring a sharpener or knife.



"Nothing is impossible, even the word says 'I'm Possible!'" Audrey Hepburn

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Some good wooden pencils I use are the California Republic Palomino HB, the Tombow 2558 B, General's Test Scoring 580, the Palomino Blackwing series, and a whole slew of vintage pencils. Some of the better vintage pencils are quite expensive, but the pencils I mentioned above are all pretty good.

"No one can be a great thinker who does not recognize that as a thinker it is his first duty to follow his intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study, and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think." -J.S. Mill, On Liberty

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Some good wooden pencils I use are the California Republic Palomino HB, the Tombow 2558 B, General's Test Scoring 580, the Palomino Blackwing series, and a whole slew of vintage pencils. Some of the better vintage pencils are quite expensive, but the pencils I mentioned above are all pretty good.


+1 for California Republic Palomino HB, B, and Blackwing. Also General's Semi Hex Number 1 (= B) and their Layout pencil (555).

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I like a slightly thicker pencil. The Graf von Faber Castell number 5 is nice, but pricey. I tend to use Tombow Mono 100 and Mitsubishi Hi Uni pencils most of the time in a B or HB (Japanese pencils tend to be a little softer than european pencils).

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Derwent, Stabilo or Steadtler. I find Prismacolor too scratchy due to impurities in the lead. I use them to draw but ocacionaly pick up a 2B Derwent or Stabilo to do write or do some math. I really only use my FPs to write as the lead can smudge and after a few months I can´t make out what i wrote from flipping pages. :P

Wish List: TWSBI Diamond 580.

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I'm very partial to Blackwings and Prismacolor pencils for drawing. When writing I only use mechanical pencil or fountain pens so I can't give any suggestion.

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If a wooden mechanical pencil counts: I came across a review of the Mitsubishi Pure Malt Oak Wood Premium Edition 0.5mm Mechanical Pencil recently.



Whee! I just struck gold on post #60! Haha.

I picked one of these up recently from a Japanese eBayer - they really are nice tactile pencils. I post mine (I think you really have to), so the chrome cap rests in the web of my hand, so the full wooden feeling is slightly lost.

Between my finger and my thumb

The squat pen rests.

I'll dig with it.

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I'm a huge fan of wooden pencils. They're environmentally friendly, easy to use, and very versatile. These are the two I really like.


I really like the Dixon Ticonderoga #2. It's a classic, but it's a good pencil.




I have been using the Staedtler Rally #2. It is a nice pencil, but I find the lead inside breaks more easily, though the looks and the eraser are superior to the Dixon Ticonderoga. It's very distinctive.



Edited by Waski_the_Squirrel

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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There are a number of outstanding pencils still available. For a general survey please see: http://blackwingpages.com/for-want-of-a-blackwing-complete/


Of the currently available pencils I have tried, my favourites are: Tombow mono 100 2B, Craft Design Technology HB, for absolute quality; Mitsubishi Penmanship 4B as exotica, Faber Castell 9008 Steno 2B for a lovely round pencil, Faber Castell 9000 4B for general writing and the Mitsubishi 9850 for all round best value for money.

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Rhodia maybe

WTB Sheaffer Balance oversized with a flex nib, semi flex, broad, or medium in carmine red or grey striated.


Wtb Sheaffer Pfm in black or blue with a medium or broad nib.

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I like the Golden Bear pencils, but the Palomino pencils can be quite nice. I've also used the Staedtler Lumographs on occasion, and I have one in my pencil cup at the moment. Tombow pencils are also very nice.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

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You people kill me. After reading some of the stuff you guys linked to on here I went over to JetPens and blew forty bucks on getting one pencil each in grades HB, 2B, and 4B of the Staedler Mars, Tombow Mono 100, Mitsubishi Hi-Uni, and a three pack of Mitsubishi Penmanship 4B's. I also picked up a blackwing long-point sharpener and some well reviewed erasers. Gah! You people are sucking me in to wood case pencils!


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A wooden mechanical pencil is the best of both worlds.

I have this Romus, made of beechwood. Very beautiful and inexpensive.





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