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Interesting Pens Or Inks In The Czech Republic?


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I have learned that I have a friend visiting the Czech Republic this summer. If I asked her to bring me back something she would, so is there anything she should look for?

Fountain Pens: Still cheaper than playing Warhammer 40K

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Penkala pens......

"Writing is 1/3 nib width & flex, 1/3 paper and 1/3 ink. In that order."Bo Bo Olson

"No one needs to rotate a pen while using an oblique, in fact, that's against the whole concept of an oblique, which is to give you shading without any special effort."Professor Propas, 24 December 2010


"IMHO, the only advantage of the 149 is increased girth if needed, increased gold if wanted and increased prestige if perceived. I have three, but hardly ever use them. After all, they hold the same amount of ink as a 146."FredRydr, 12 March 2015


"Surely half the pleasure of life is sardonic comment on the passing show."Sir Peter Strawson

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I have a friend living in Prague and he sent me a slew of these small, inexpensive cartridge pens put out by Centropen called the Pluto. They're made of plastic with a screw-on cap. In terms of comparative pens, think the Preppy. The downside is that the plastic can be fragile, especially on the clear models. The upside is that I've not encountered one yet that wasn't a very smooth writer; also, the caps are airtight, which means that the pens don't dry out if left unused. Interestingly, the Pluto pens that he sent me a few years have "ENGLAND" etched on the nib. The ones that I received from him a year or so ago have blank nibs. I recently noticed on Ebay that Centropen now offers what looks like a sturdier pen called the Shark, but I've not seen one in person. Finally, my friend reported seeing fancier, upscale Centropen models in Prague, including some nice older ones, but he didn't feel comfortable taking a chance on any of them. Some time ago I bought a well-made, 1960s or 70s-vintage Centropen on Ebay that I like even though it doesn't get much use.

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If you slip over the border into Slovakia, they make an ink there.....no pens though......hum...what was the name of that ink. Ah, Sheaffers.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I think you might want to contact/PM FPM Khufu who lives in the Czech Republic and is very generous with his knowledge about Czechoslovakian vintage pens which is extensive.


Here is a link to an evilBay dealer from Praha, another good source for information:



There were quite a few manufacturers of quality fountain pens in Czechoslovakia prior to WW2, and what was left after the war was centralized under Centropen which continued to produce some very good quality pens into the 1960s. As for current production, I think that Centropen is pretty much all there is.


Hope this helps...


ETA: There are some threads with some pics here on FPN. Do a search for Centropen, Barclay and Smaragd for some vintage pens to get you started.

Edited by ehemem
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I agree with everything ehemem wrote and if you are really keen you might look for a Ripet nib on a post-1945 Centropen or Barclay.

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