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Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Green

Morbus Curiositas

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Pelikan 4001 Brillant Grün /Brilliant Green


Dear FPN friends.


Since I have various Pelikan 4001 inks who I like I will do reviews on them.


The pelikan inks are classics and classy. Classy in quality but not in price. :thumbup:


only €3,19 approx.$ 4.- for a quality ink this is a bargain. :notworthy1:


The Inks are dry which makes htem suitable for gusher pens. They are also very safe for old Fountain Pens. No wonder it was developed in the golden age of Fountain Pens. The ink matures very well as I have proofed in topic Battle of the Blue Kings in which I compared a nineteen year old bottle with a brand new one. (You can find this topic under both Ink Comparisons and Ink reviews.)


Warning though it is dry,it takes some time to dry with an 1,5 italic nib. That's no wonder because the Lamy Joy is known for having severe Vomitus, the Llatin word doctors use for the forceful expulsion ofthe contents of ones stomach :)


Saturation and darkness depends on the type of Nib you use. But the broader the nib, the higher the saturation :D



I love this like I do my Pelikan M800.


I will getting some more Pelikans and become an ornithologist :bunny01:


I love birds my favourite one is the Pelikan


(oh yeah and ducks too fried in the pan with cranberries) :puddle:






Down here are some of the technical specs (as suggested by Ann Finley 2007)


points 1-5 1 = :( 5= :D


Fountain Pens:Online best writer 0.8 italic: Lamy Joy 1,5 Italic

Paper: Leonardo Ringbuch,average quality school note book made in Austria

Drying time: Approx. 5 seconds with 0.8 nib or 20 seconds with 1,5 italic nib points 5/3

Flow: points: 5

Lubrication:dry but good points: 4

Bleeding: quite some on the average quality paper I used points: 3

Shading: superb in 1.5 italic points: 5 :D

Waterproof: Still very legible after using a swab points: 4

Package: In nice classic bottles and cartridges points: 3-4

Availabilty: It is also available on Mars, just ask your Martian stationary store :D

Quality: Well it's from germany so what do you guess points: 5 :)


It really is a brilliant refreshng green. Excellent for junping out words in a normal text.


One must love it especially for this kind of money

Kindest Regards


Peter Vlutters







Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

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Ah Ha....I've not tired it in my Lamy 1/5 Joy. :doh:

About 1 1/2 years ago, I ran into a bottle of 4001 on sale. :gaah: :wallbash: A year & 11 bottles of green later. :)


In the Green-Greens...on good paper. I was doing a paper test. 110, 120, 150 & 170g Gmund papers (I asked which were the fountain pen friendly papers, in they make mostly art paper).....and at €35 for a 100 sheets I defiantly am still testing those papers. At first I thought 170g was it....then with some inks the 120 was better and with other inks the 110. :wallbash:


R&K Verdura (semi-flex F) finished a nose in front of MB Irish Green (semi-flex KOB) and a neck in front of Pelikan 4001 Green (semi-flex F & OM). All are good shading inks. Pelikan 4001 green is well worth having.


4001 patted it's younger brother Aventurine, which feathers on some papers on the head; beating it even though Aventurine is a darker green. 4001 Green is a very under rated ink.

Like any ink, a good paper helps. I do recommend 4001 Pelikan.

It's priced so it's not and or, but and-and.


sigh, somewhere along the line, I stopped testing inks with 8 assorted width and flexes on 4 or so papers.

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Is 4001 Brilliant Green a wetter ink than 4001 Turquoise?


I tried 4001 Turquoise in my Lamy Vista "F" and it turned out that I had to periodically flood the feed just to get it to write 3 - 5 lines from dark-to-light-to-nothing. After 2 days of frustration with that pen-nib-ink combo I admitted defeat and dumped the 4001 Turquoise out of the Lamy. Very disappointed as I love the color and its shading characteristic in my M200.


I had thought that the Lamy Joy was equipped with the same nib and feed system as the Lamy Safari/Vista. Or does the "Joy" come with a different feed?


-- Constance

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Loving this colour. Absolutely amazing colour.



''You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes''. A A Milne

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Loving this colour. Absolutely amazing colour.



Hi Ben a Brilliant ink it is and not expensive. You can get itfrom Amazon.co.uk


Ignore the upper price it isa rip off. But of you browse under Pelikann 4001 you will finde prices between 2.41 and 3.90.




Enjoy the shopping



Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

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Is 4001 Brilliant Green a wetter ink than 4001 Turquoise?


I tried 4001 Turquoise in my Lamy Vista "F" and it turned out that I had to periodically flood the feed just to get it to write 3 - 5 lines from dark-to-light-to-nothing. After 2 days of frustration with that pen-nib-ink combo I admitted defeat and dumped the 4001 Turquoise out of the Lamy. Very disappointed as I love the color and its shading characteristic in my M200.


I had thought that the Lamy Joy was equipped with the same nib and feed system as the Lamy Safari/Vista. Or does the "Joy" come with a different feed?


-- Constance


Hi Constance,


Sorry to see about your bad experiences in with the Ink in the Lamy.


Maybe it is a flaw in the pen, but more likely it is the combination. Not all pens of the same make are equal (especially in the cheaper ones).


I do own a Lamy Vista myself and I will test that. I will let you know as soon as possible.


I curreently own following. Pelikan 4001 inks:


  • Royal Blue
  • Brilliant Black
  • Brilliant green
  • Violet

I am not a big fan of Turqoise but I wil buy one for you to test it in my Lamy Vista... Of course I will let you know my findings...


Actually I want to buy all the 4001 Inks.... I am a greedy (bleep). :)




I guess I have to post seperate reviewson each of them ;)


Regards Peter

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

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Ah Ha....I've not tired it in my Lamy 1/5 Joy. :doh:

About 1 1/2 years ago, I ran into a bottle of 4001 on sale. :gaah: :wallbash: A year & 11 bottles of green later. :)


In the Green-Greens...on good paper. I was doing a paper test. 110, 120, 150 & 170g Gmund papers (I asked which were the fountain pen friendly papers, in they make mostly art paper).....and at €35 for a 100 sheets I defiantly am still testing those papers. At first I thought 170g was it....then with some inks the 120 was better and with other inks the 110. :wallbash:


R&K Verdura (semi-flex F) finished a nose in front of MB Irish Green (semi-flex KOB) and a neck in front of Pelikan 4001 Green (semi-flex F & OM). All are good shading inks. Pelikan 4001 green is well worth having.


4001 patted it's younger brother Aventurine, which feathers on some papers on the head; beating it even though Aventurine is a darker green. 4001 Green is a very under rated ink.

Like any ink, a good paper helps. I do recommend 4001 Pelikan.

It's priced so it's not and or, but and-and.


sigh, somewhere along the line, I stopped testing inks with 8 assorted width and flexes on 4 or so papers.

Hi Bobo


Thanks for the response. I have noticed you always give good critical remarks... Thanks for that, they are very helpful :)


I live in Austria which is nice. The bad thing is that it is hard to get nice Fountain Pens and Iiks here.


There is a store in Innsbruck called Ernst Schmidt. But they only have the more known German Brands (which isn't a bad thing of course. :) ) but there are nice pens from other countries too :excl:


There are a few other stores too but it is the same story.


If you ask for Inks they only have standard inks. :) Nothing special like Diamine or J Herbin. Fortunately they have a wide array of colours. Black, blue and red ;)


But I will be in my home city of Breda in a few weeks, that is just 19 kilometers away from La Couronne Ducomte...

Do you have a shopping list or to look for list for me? ;)


Regards Peter

Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

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I do own a Lamy Vista myself and I will test that. I will let you know as soon as possible.


I currently own following. Pelikan 4001 inks:


  • Royal Blue
  • Brilliant Black
  • Brilliant green
  • Violet

I am not a big fan of Turqoise but I wil buy one for you to test it in my Lamy Vista... Of course I will let you know my findings...


Actually I want to buy all the 4001 Inks.... I am a greedy (bleep). :)


I guess I have to post seperate reviews on each of them ;)


Peter, you are a prince! :notworthy1:

Thank you for offering to help me troubleshoot my Lamy Vista. 4001 Turquoise was the first ink I tried in that pen. After I cleaned it out, I put in a cartridge of Lamy Blue and it's working okay (although I'd prefer that the first couple of lines after a rest did not always come out extra-dark). I am a fan of green inks and it would be great if Brilliant Green could work in my Vista.


In any case, your review of Brilliant Green has convinced me to try it in my M200 -- thank you so much for posting! It would be wonderful to see your reviews of all the 4001 inks.


-- Constance

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Morbus Curiositas,


I get a little AR on inks....even use a honking big magnifying glass to see how much it feathers or makes a wooly line...

I've only tried 6 Diamine inks...all have a wooly line or feather...even with out the magnifying glass.


BEF= bare eyed feathering/wooly line from a sitting position.

NEF, near eye feathering/wooly line.

Mag F...feathering/wooly line under magnification....can be good ink...don't have to go AR like me.

NO-MAG no feathering/wooly great ink.

Of course all that depends on your paper.


I've only tried some 5 Herbin inks; all that I've tried shade, have a clean line and don't wooly line much. Order them on line (Not on Ebay...rip off alley..I see MB inks you can get in a store for €13 going for 19....), in they are not 'special' inks. Try Lie de Thee first, a nice light brown ink; Cafe des Ills is darker.

Pelikan 4001 inks the same (don't buy the red). MB inks are good inks too.

Waterman Caribbean Sea has some new stupid name but it is a nice shading turquoise. The old Havana Brown don't shade.


At first you are going to think €13 MB inks (Irish Green& Toffee (the limited year inks are expensive and in small bottles)) are expensive but they are 60ml..to 4001's 30ml @€4.00, and Waterman';s 50 ml for @7.50 is a good price too. R&K's are all good inks in 50 ml for close to Waterman prices.

Sheaffer inks are made in Slovakia, so come into consideration.


Sadly, Akkerman inks which are slightly different from the maker Diamine's, but are too wooly lined for me. They have some real good colors and come in smaller bottle now.


Austria...high postage. :(



Try to find local papers that are laser an 90g or 100-110, for scribbling. Never buy paper you plan to use in your printer for scribbling. Stay away from Ink Jet paper...even if you have an ink jet printer.

I use 90g laser paper for my printer...that's my minimum...and I'm old fashioned with an old laser printer....in I am writing a western, I don't need color pictures for anything I can think of.


Combo paper laser&ink jet must have a compromise, in it has to do ink jet, which needs a paper that absorbs fast....which can ruin shading. I have some nice ones I picked up in the states but keep wondering how much better they would be in pure laser.

100% cotton is too much for shading ink...can be nice to write on...look for 25 % cotton or rag...for every once in a while.


I don't know if you can get Oxford Optic 90g...in booklets or spiral note books....it is 99.6% as good as Clairefontain Velout. I can get the Velout in near by department stores. I had one ink better on Velotut than on Oxford. Both are very good paper that is inexpensive.


I'm going to be looking for Fugi-Xerox paper in 100-110 or even in 120 in it has a top rep, even better than HP.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Peter, you are a prince! :notworthy1:

Thank you for offering to help me troubleshoot my Lamy Vista. 4001 Turquoise was the first ink I tried in that pen. After I cleaned it out, I put in a cartridge of Lamy Blue and it's working okay (although I'd prefer that the first couple of lines after a rest did not always come out extra-dark). I am a fan of green inks and it would be great if Brilliant Green could work in my Vista.


In any case, your review of Brilliant Green has convinced me to try it in my M200 -- thank you so much for posting! It would be wonderful to see your reviews of all the 4001 inks.


-- Constance

I will review the turqoise next week (also,in the Vista of course)


The green version I wiill test tomorrow. I will post a few writtenlines here and let you now how it works in the vista....


Hope that will help you





Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

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Morbus Curiositas,


I get a little AR on inks....even use a honking big magnifying glass to see how much it feathers or makes a wooly line...

I've only tried 6 Diamine inks...all have a wooly line or feather...even with out the magnifying glass.


BEF= bare eyed feathering/wooly line from a sitting position.

NEF, near eye feathering/wooly line.

Mag F...feathering/wooly line under magnification....can be good ink...don't have to go AR like me.

NO-MAG no feathering/wooly great ink.

Of course all that depends on your paper.


I've only tried some 5 Herbin inks; all that I've tried shade, have a clean line and don't wooly line much. Order them on line (Not on Ebay...rip off alley..I see MB inks you can get in a store for €13 going for 19....), in they are not 'special' inks. Try Lie de Thee first, a nice light brown ink; Cafe des Ills is darker.

Pelikan 4001 inks the same (don't buy the red). MB inks are good inks too.

Waterman Caribbean Sea has some new stupid name but it is a nice shading turquoise. The old Havana Brown don't shade.


At first you are going to think €13 MB inks (Irish Green& Toffee (the limited year inks are expensive and in small bottles)) are expensive but they are 60ml..to 4001's 30ml @€4.00, and Waterman';s 50 ml for @7.50 is a good price too. R&K's are all good inks in 50 ml for close to Waterman prices.

Sheaffer inks are made in Slovakia, so come into consideration.


Sadly, Akkerman inks which are slightly different from the maker Diamine's, but are too wooly lined for me. They have some real good colors and come in smaller bottle now.


Austria...high postage. :(



Try to find local papers that are laser an 90g or 100-110, for scribbling. Never buy paper you plan to use in your printer for scribbling. Stay away from Ink Jet paper...even if you have an ink jet printer.

I use 90g laser paper for my printer...that's my minimum...and I'm old fashioned with an old laser printer....in I am writing a western, I don't need color pictures for anything I can think of.


Combo paper laser&ink jet must have a compromise, in it has to do ink jet, which needs a paper that absorbs fast....which can ruin shading. I have some nice ones I picked up in the states but keep wondering how much better they would be in pure laser.

100% cotton is too much for shading ink...can be nice to write on...look for 25 % cotton or rag...for every once in a while.


I don't know if you can get Oxford Optic 90g...in booklets or spiral note books....it is 99.6% as good as Clairefontain Velout. I can get the Velout in near by department stores. I had one ink better on Velotut than on Oxford. Both are very good paper that is inexpensive.


I'm going to be looking for Fugi-Xerox paper in 100-110 or even in 120 in it has a top rep, even better than HP.


Thank you very much Bobo....


The postage cost is not an issue.... I will be in Holland ina few weeks....


Thanks again for your intensive answer




Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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That looks like a nice fresh green :thumbup:


I have so many green inks that I must avoid temptation to buy this one :rolleyes:

✒️ :happyberet:

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That looks like a nice fresh green :thumbup:


I have so many green inks that I must avoid temptation to buy this one :rolleyes:

Well what the heck It is costs less than 4 euros


Think of Nike..... Just DO it :thumbup: In honour to Saint Patrick :notworthy1:


Sinc you seem to like green. I have also tested De Atramentis Jane Austen Green...


Lovely shading and nice sort of Antique touch to it...


Down here is the link. Itwasone of my first reviews so the photo is not excellent but Iwill post a new one..




Just to help emptying your wallet ;)





Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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Well what the heck It is costs less than 4 euros

Erm, nice try, but you see I already have these: Diamine Green/Black, Umber, Sherwood, Delamere, Pelikan Aventurine, C d'A Vibrant Green, MB Seaweed Green and Irish Green :happyberet: Also some sort-of-green colours including Diamine Teal and Steel Blue!


The Jane Austen ink looks quite like Diamine Umber.




✒️ :happyberet:

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Erm, nice try, but you see I already have these: Diamine Green/Black, Umber, Sherwood, Delamere, Pelikan Aventurine, C d'A Vibrant Green, MB Seaweed Green and Irish Green :happyberet: Also some sort-of-green colours including Diamine Teal and Steel Blue!


The Jane Austen ink looks quite like Diamine Umber.






Wow Gerard you have an entire forest of green..... COOL!!!!!


Are you an artist?


Could you may be post a few written lines of them....


I love green inks






Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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DA Golf shades very nicely, is on the border of murky...and don't compare well....but is a good ink; sort of soft.

Stand alone is nice.....drops when bright shading inks are near.


DA Moss Green is a spring moss not the dark Racing Green Moss I expected. In I was testing paper more than ink and used a EF nail with it can not say it shades well, but did shade on a couple of the 5-6 papers just looked at.

I seemed to have passed through my green phase, in I have not tried it in a better nib.

An ink that shades occasionally with an EF nail.


Grumble, grumble. 12 nope 13 inked now.

Back at the test bed...DA Moss Green is darker..a middle green, shades more with a semi-flex KM nib...moving it up my green test.

That shows the mistake of testing an ink in only one nib...and in such a narrow nib at that. :angry:

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Thanks for a great review of a much over-looked ink. A little bit darker than the usual Smaragd, it seems.



Is 4001 Brilliant Green a wetter ink than 4001 Turquoise?


I tried 4001 Turquoise in my Lamy Vista "F" and it turned out that I had to periodically flood the feed just to get it to write 3 - 5 lines from dark-to-light-to-nothing. After 2 days of frustration with that pen-nib-ink combo I admitted defeat and dumped the 4001 Turquoise out of the Lamy. Very disappointed as I love the color and its shading characteristic in my M200.


I had thought that the Lamy Joy was equipped with the same nib and feed system as the Lamy Safari/Vista. Or does the "Joy" come with a different feed?


-- Constance


I had a bottle of Pelikan Turquoise. I used it in my Safari with an OB nib and had no problems. But I am just not a turquoise person and passed it on. Is your Lamy a dry writer with other inks?

"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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DA Golf shades very nicely, is on the border of murky...and don't compare well....but is a good ink; sort of soft.

Stand alone is nice.....drops when bright shading inks are near.


DA Moss Green is a spring moss not the dark Racing Green Moss I expected. In I was testing paper more than ink and used a EF nail with it can not say it shades well, but did shade on a couple of the 5-6 papers just looked at.

I seemed to have passed through my green phase, in I have not tried it in a better nib.

An ink that shades occasionally with an EF nail.


Grumble, grumble. 12 nope 13 inked now.

Back at the test bed...DA Moss Green is darker..a middle green, shades more with a semi-flex KM nib...moving it up my green test.

That shows the mistake of testing an ink in only one nib...and in such a narrow nib at that. :angry:


And again some excellent comment by Bobo Olsen, thanks a lot!


The nib issue..... This is the reason why I always test with at least 2 nib sizes...


I have developed a new technique to improve the colour trueness of the inks on the photo's in my review.


It takes a bit more work taking raw photos with my canon SLR and developing them with a Raw converter and processing them with Photoshop BUT...


I hope the photos are more colour true this way hence giving a better Idea of the colour..


The first pictures using this method I have posted in a reply to my topic De Atramentis Dark Blue... Maybe you want to take a look...


Cool that you have some other DA greens... Please post a picture :-)


The next review in which I use my new method is on Pelikan 4001 Violett/Violet.... Very nice schading there!!!


Thanks again for your professional excellent work... May be you should make a profession out of it... Your talented :-)






Das leben ist wie ein Perpetuum Mobile mit ein Mangel..... Immer im Bewegung jedoch nicht unendlich. (life is like a troubled Perpetuum Mobile ever moving but not for ever)

Tricked throughout the centuries...

For centuries people had been tricked by kings & "religion-alism"

In the 20th century people got tricked by communism

Today people get tricked by (neo)capitalism :)

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Scanner ignorant, bought one to go with the new computer...but never find the time to do anything. When not BS'ing here writing the worlds longest western. :)

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I have had little chance to use these inks. The brilliant green does look like one I would want to try in the future in large part thanks to your review. I believe the brilliant brown and royal blue would be others of interest. Thanks for the review.

Rob Maguire (Plse call me "M or Mags" like my friends do...)I use a Tablet, Apple Pencil and a fountain pen. Targas, Sailor, MB, Visconti, Aurora, vintage Parkers, all wonderful.

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