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Wahl Eversharp Coronet Lever Assembly Repair

Anwar Kamal Pasha

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Dear Friends.

While washing my newly Purchased Wahl Eversharp Coronet Fountain Pen, the Lever-Assembly and Sac came out. Any body's help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

If Syd can take out some time from his busy-schedule and extend help with diagrams 7 illustrations as this is a very expensive pen. :crybaby:




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I am not certain why is the hole in the Lever Bar and how to reassemble the Lever Assembly now.

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The first pic (with only the lever and press bar) shows the earlier (20s and early 30s) Wahl-Eversharp lever assembly. Back then, levers were mounted with a pin that goes through the lever and the barrel on both sides of the lever slot. In Coronets, however, levers are not mounted inside the barrel with pins. Instead, they are fixed from the inside of the barrel, with a thin spring wire retaining C-ring that snap-fits in to the groove inside the barrel.


Then, the lever tabs (the top part) slide in to the 'rails' on the press bar while the bottom tab of the press bar goes into the anchor that goes to the bottom of the barrel.


In your pen, the wire most likely corroded to dust and the lever fell out. Fixing the pen should not be a problem if you manage to re-create the wire retaining ring (you can get the right wire in your local hobby shop) but if you haven't done that in the past you might struggle a bit. Hope this makes sense, if in doubt - feel free to ask questions before you do anything ;)


Meanwhile, there was a page somewhere showing a disassembled Coronet (i.e. showing all parts) from Wahl repair manual, I'll try to locate it this evening and post the link to give you the idea of how to put the pen back together. Or, if you're not very confident with doing the repair yourself, you can always send the pen to an expert to fix it for you.


Hope this helps



Edited by ihimlen




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Thanks Brother.

Without Diagram, I have no idea as what to do. A little illustrations/diagrams would be highly appreciated & helpful.

Plus, somebody can suggest that how to sell this pen on this forum. I have a Paypal Account. The Pen is otherwise in excellent condition.

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This part is difficult,


''to re-create the wire retaining ring''


Any Diagrams to help. Actually the various terms, you have used is not understandable.


Waiting for another ''SWEET RESPONSE'' :notworthy1:

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There is only 1 Main-Problem here.

The Lever Pin. Every other thing understood.

Only thing left is how to put the lever-pin and how to insert the lever from inside the body.

Thanks. :crybaby:

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:crybaby: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :gaah: :bawl: :yikes: :crybaby: :roflmho:

Edited by Anwar Kamal Pasha
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Okay, I found the diagram - here is a copy with your missing part marked up in red (see attachment).


In other words, what you're missing is a pivot ring (retaining ring) that goes through both holes in the lever and then the whole thing is aligned with the lever slot and inserted into the barrel. You can get the right sort of wire in your local hobby shop and make up the C-ring yourself if you're good with your hands.


The ring snaps into the lateral groove inside the barrel (about a half way up the lever slot) and stays in place. When inserting the lever back in, you need to be careful to end up with the lever end on the outside rather than inside the barrel.


In other words: the lever goes IN to the barrel and then the end of the lever goes OUT of the lever slot. Having the lever end OUT of the lever slot, you pull that lever end ALONG and OUT OF the lever slot until the ring snaps in place at about half the length of the lever slot. Then, you need to assemble the press bar and slide it along and on to the lever tabs (the teeny pins that go left and right from the top of the lever), install the sac and you're good to go.


Ideally, you should have alligator clamps or a hemostat to get this done (the easiest way). It is not impossible to put the pen back together without theses tools, but it will be more difficult.


Hope this makes sense.




Edited by ihimlen




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Thanks, dear Brother.


I hope, this shall work now.

I am extremely grateful.

I'll give the feedback, once it is done,




Dr Anwar Kamal Pasha :thumbup: :thumbup: :roflmho: :roflmho: :roflmho: :clap1: :clap1: :W2FPN: :W2FPN: :notworthy1: :notworthy1:

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I see that the questions has for the most part been answered. Somehow this post slipped by me on the 7th/8th.. If memory serves the pivot ring is the same size as those on Skylines. Getting one of those is perhaps easier that fashioning one from scratch. The method described above about inserting the lever with the pivot ring installed on the lever and shoving it into the barrel mouth (the pivot ring will compress under tension when it contacts the barrel mouth - that is normal and snap into the groove when the lever is going into place. When the lever tail is visible/accessible thru the lever slot, pull the lever tail up, back, up and out of the barrel which will drag the pivot ring into approximate alignment with the pivot ring groove cut inside the barrel liner. Put a probe into the barrel mouth and push the pivot ring properly into its groove all around and you're done.


Sorry if this repeats too much of what was said before, but I thought I would chime in even if a little late.


Syd "the Wahlnut" Saperstein

Pensbury Manor

Vintage Wahl Eversharp Writing Instruments

Pensbury Manor




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Here is an easy way to make the c-ring to hold a lever. At ACE hardware (or wherever), look for the bins of various springs. Find one about the right wire thickness and diameter as the ring you need to replace (these will be some of the smallest "compression" springs they have). Clip off about 80% of a full revolution. Make it flat with needle nose pliers. Costs about 75 cents for as many as you need. The last picture shows the new ring next to an old, slightly rusty ring removed from a Swan pen. (apologies for the blurry pics)





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