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Hero 329 Arrow


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Hello All,


While surfing Ebay I came across the Hero 329 Arrow. While I'm not a fan of hooded pens I like the arrow on this one. This pen seems to be a variation of the Hero 616? A search of the forums found only one posting that said this model was "great" and no other details. Does anyone have this pen and can provide feedback? Thanks.




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it's a very cheap pen like 616.

the performance may be good, if you are lucky,

or bad, if you are unlucky

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I love them and use them all the time. I get them from this guy. Every pen I have gotten from him has worked well.


Edited by pienaar

Do not let old pens lay around in a drawer, get them working and give them to a new fountain pen user.

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the 329 comes in many versions - be careful to get the one with the arrow (if it's the arrow you're after).


i use some arrowless 329, as well as some 616 (the bigger version).

the 329 is slimmer, and has a very fine line. the nib typically is very stiff. my 329s do not like dry inks like herbin vert reseda, but i have good results with hero blue-black 202, and hero carbon black 234. the nibs of my 329s required a bit of smoothing. cheap pen, can be a very satisfying writer.




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I have a Hero 330, which looks almost identical. The nib flings ink around in the cap if I carry it, but it writes well and, while it feels cheap, is a decent pen.

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I bought a 3 pack of NOS 329 arrows from Speerbob (on this forum) via his ebay store.


I love them. The nibs are firm and write very well. No nib work required.


Be warned - I read a lot of posts complaining about poor quality Heros. There are fakes and imposters, it seems.

Buy only from a seller who you trust and professes to have originals not fakes and understands the difference.


Highly recommended. A fun pen.

Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoethes.

Many are possessed by the incurable urge to write.


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I have an arrow-less 329 EF that lays down an exceedingly fine line. Seeing that it cost $5 including shipping and it writes with no problems out of the box I say go ahead and get it. I got mine from ebay seller czxwyst (Chinese Office Supply Store). This seller was recommended by someone else on this board.

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The "New Type" 329 without the "star trek" arrowhead is of course quite extensively faked, it is not generally known that this "star trek" version is also faked, but not as extensively. Being the "original", the 329 tends to be more sought after, but the other variants 330, 331 and 336 are functionally identical, and they tend to be a little less costly - and less prone to be fraudulent.


Edit: I forgot to mention this: it is generally believed that those with lightweight, gold-tone caps are of slightly better quality and consistency.

Edited by Seele

No, I am not going to list my pens here.

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I've got one, and the only complaint I have about it is the tendency to dry out because the cap is not particularly sealed. Hurring upon the point for a moment if it's sat over night usually gets it back on its feet.

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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I m using hero 329 for the last few weeks. Its smooth n I really enjoy writing lot in it...

Krishnan R

Chennai India

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  • 4 weeks later...

I picked up a Hero 329 the other day at a local Ma and Pah stationery store in Bangkok. For only 40 Baht if it breaks down it's not a problem. From what little I have used it so far it seems like a good pen.


By the way 40 Baht is about $1.30 USD.

Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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I have used both an older and a newer version of the 330 and 329.


I found them both serviceable, except for the lack of a secondary cap which leads to the aforementioned drying our from lack of use.


I found the older version to be a better writer with a more solid feeling in the hand compared to the newer ones. But the new ones were still satisfactory writers.


Sometimes they do require a little adjustment.


At the price they usually go for, IMHO, they are definitely worth a shot.


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