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Orange Fountain Pens


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This is a bit of a strange request... Could somebody post pictures of really really cool looking orange fountain pens? (I tried looking up for them with not much results)


I just LOVE spending hours and hours (I know) just looking at pictures of fountain pens and drooling over them. I don't know what's up with my current obsession with orange fountain pens, but I would love to see some pictures (please include the pen names)


Thank you in advance!!!

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The TWSBI Vac 700 is called amber, but I think it's pretty orange-y. Here's mine:




I have the orange Lamy Safari too, but I can't seem to find a picture. I'll try to snap one later. :thumbup:


I've actually been thinking about getting another orange pen. Maybe an Edison in orange ebonite. I love orange; reminds me of fall leaves. :)

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Hope you like these-


Haolilai, Pelikan Sahara & Tenny Fall.

Whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

Philippians 4.8

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Thank you everybody for the pictures!!



Hope you like these-


Haolilai, Pelikan Sahara & Tenny Fall.



The Tenny Fall looks simply amazing. :puddle: Thank you!

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here are some of mine:




a bexley corona, a duofold international, and a 1928 duofold senior.


and a duofold centennial and international:



Check out my blog and my pens

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Delta Dolce Vita (first photo) with second photo a pen made by Ken (Dr. Goretex), both of which I foolishly sold.





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Jotting down first impressions:


  • It is substantial. It is almost 6" in length, and the acrylic is thick. Weight is similar to that of a MB146.
  • The bands are plastic, as are the threads. But, they are well-machined.The cap/section screw tightly onto/into the barrel. No wiggling. No gaps. The thinner bands are flush with the cap.
  • The orange acrylic is nice - bright, slightly translucent in places, and much as I detest the word, a bit shimmery.
  • It comes with a converter - friction fit, secure, above average capacity, with a ball inside to prevent tension.
  • The nib is large, like the rest. It is firm and fine, reasonably smooth out of the box. No skipping or other issues.









Edited by whitedot
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The Visconti Rembrandt I have is a beautiful, swirly orange. The photo I'm using (from Amazon) shows its shade more accurately than my cellphone pic:





One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,

see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.


~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Aww.... Poor Sleepycat lol!


I love those Deltas. :wub:




One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,

see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.


~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Here is the link to my post on one of my orange coloured fountain pens...it is an Indian Celluloid Orange FP...the Brahmam Duofold Big Orange...






Writing and posting about fountain pens exclusively on www.jaisiri.blogspot.in ... recent posts on Hema Pens (Hyderabad), Haul at Majestic (Bangalore), and Asoka Pens (Tenali)...

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My current Orange and Almost Orange pens:




L -> R


Delta 20th Anniversary Ed. 2002

Pelikan M320

TWSBI 540 Amber

Lamy Safari Ltd. Ed. 2009

Aurora Ipsilon

Esterbrook J "Copper"

Jin Hao 500

Noodler's Nib Creeper Flex "Arizona"


Here's an older thread you'll be interested in: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/60359-orange-pens/page__st__15


Got a few pens on my long term orange wishlist:

Delta Dolce Vita Oro

Edison Collier Persimmon Swirl

Noodler's Konrad Copernican Pearl

Pelikan M620 Shanghai "City Series"

Pilot Custom Heritage 92 Orange

Pilot VP Orange Crush from 2007

Edited by GSteer

"...using a fountain pen should feel like riding a unicorn through a field of cupcakes during a rainstorm of scotch while eating bacon" - Dan Smith

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gsteer - that's a beautiful collection of orange pens.


How do you like the Ipsilon? I've had my eye on one for a while.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice; damn

There goes that fox again.

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Gsteer - that's a beautiful collection of orange pens.


How do you like the Ipsilon? I've had my eye on one for a while.


Thanks :)


Guilty admission time - the Ipsilon is uninked. I picked it up last year when a UK vendor had a very nice sale on, and, apart from getting to Canada haven't used it as yet.


It'll be inked this year though as I'm 'finally' getting around to my Blue vs Orange pen / ink battle, so at that point they'll be a full review.


I'm getting better though, it's only one of two (I think!) uninked pens I've got.

"...using a fountain pen should feel like riding a unicorn through a field of cupcakes during a rainstorm of scotch while eating bacon" - Dan Smith

"Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn't try it on" - Billy Connolly

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Not the best picture, I'm afraid. But after I got rid of my TWSBI 540 Amber last week, this my my only orange pen.



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