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Ivory Celluloid


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I wasn't planning on posting this here, just because I have posted so many of my Bamboo style pens here before. But, I'm on lunch right now, got a few minutes free, so why not. Besides, this celluloid is awesome!


Celluloid is pretty hard to come by in Canada. In fact, there are no Canadian sources (that I have found), which makes it that much more exciting when I get my hands on some. Shipping celluloid across the border is a pain, as it is a flammable substance, costs a pile extra to ship etc, etc.


So when one buyer asked if he sould have this stuff shipped to me to make a pen for him - man, a no-brainer! Had great fun with it, and my shop smelled like a cough drop for a few days. Wonderfully clear sinuses...


Here is the result of his order - one of my ('signature'?) Bamboo style pens, done up in this gorgeous 'ivory' (or perhaps more like casein) celluloid, fitted with a medium (Hmm...actually, I think it was a fine for the pictures...) two-tone steel JoWo nib, all smoothed and adjusted to sweet medium flow.










OK. Back to work now.


Thanks for looking!



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I guess it's celluloid imitating casein that imitates ivory?


...in a pen that imitates Bamboo. Nothing but a big fake :headsmack:







Despite its identity crisis, this pen looks absolutely beautiful :thumbup:

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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I'm with the others in saying it is a beautiful pen. I think a Bamboo Shoot is a better description. I wish there was more of that material up here too. cloud9.gif



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I'm with the others in saying it is a beautiful pen. I think a Bamboo Shoot is a better description. I wish there was more of that material up here too. cloud9.gif





Thanks for showing it Ken, it's gorgeous.





Thanks very much!


Yes, cool celluloid. Have already started planning a pen for ME out of what I have left of this stuff...maybe slimmer, postable, silver hardware...ooooh, yeah... cuz I don't have enough pens :rolleyes:





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I guess it's celluloid imitating casein that imitates ivory?


...in a pen that imitates Bamboo. Nothing but a big fake :headsmack:







Despite its identity crisis, this pen looks absolutely beautiful :thumbup:


Thank you very much, Soki - I appreciate that!



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It's elegant!! I wonder... wouldn''t the white section be stained in a long run?


I can't believe I'm making fountain pens! pen.18111.com

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It's elegant!! I wonder... wouldn''t the white section be stained in a long run?


Good question. I haven't seen that with my acrylic pens, but I have limited experience with celluloid.



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It's elegant!! I wonder... wouldn''t the white section be stained in a long run?




Yes -- it will. Extreme care needs to be taken to keep the section (and the rest of it) away from ink.

Write with a pen as unique as your thoughts!


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It's elegant!! I wonder... wouldn''t the white section be stained in a long run?




Yes -- it will. Extreme care needs to be taken to keep the section (and the rest of it) away from ink.


Thanks for the info, Doug.



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What a gorgeous pen! Your bamboo style is absolutely beautiful, Ken. I love them.

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It's elegant!! I wonder... wouldn''t the white section be stained in a long run?




Yes -- it will. Extreme care needs to be taken to keep the section (and the rest of it) away from ink.




Just wondering if there is a way to 'stain-proof' this material.....kind of like using Rain-X on a windshield to get the rain to wick away sort of thing?





Beautiful pen, beautifully turned!!!!



Scott (guess I need some of that stuff now) B

Check out the lastest and greatest PR swirled blanks!

You will be blown away by the prices!



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Oops. Trying to organize Photobucket with their new software, lost a couple of pics there.


Here's a repost of the lost pics, if anyone else happens to be interested:







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Nice pen!

In times past, lighter-colored celluloid sections were often lined with hard rubber to prevent staining. I've done this myself, also having the lining extend to the face of the section (a thin black line is then visible from the side at the section's end -- although one could use colored hard rubber, too).



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Nice pen!

In times past, lighter-colored celluloid sections were often lined with hard rubber to prevent staining. I've done this myself, also having the lining extend to the face of the section (a thin black line is then visible from the side at the section's end -- although one could use colored hard rubber, too).




Thanks for the tip, David! Will have to consider that for next time :-)



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