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How To Join A Cursive Lower Case R?


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In an effort to improve my hand writing I have been trying to use the fancy lower case letter r. In a recent post on tnis forum someone asked the question how do you write an r. The r I am refering to was in that post called the type2 r. When it follows a letter with a low joiner, like the letter a, it is easy and looks good. But when it follows a letter with a high joiner like o, w, or v I get confused.


What is the propper way to join the letter r?

Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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Lower case r is not joined, at low level, to another letter in order to avoid confusion with n.

Edited by Beechwood
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I do it this way, as in "carro" or "roc"

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Lower case r is not joined, at low level, to another letter in order to avoid confusion with n.

Ok, so does this mean that a letter finishing at a low level, like an "e", is not joined with the next letter, an "r"? Or does it mean that the "r" is not joied with the next letter, say an "a", b/c the "a" starts low? I was taught to always join the r tothe next letter, regardless of what thenext letter is or what level it starts at. I actually have more trouble when the letter folowing the "r" starts at a high level, it always messes my "r" up or makes it easily confused with a "n". Sometimes at speed it can even result in the following letter becoming somewhat deformed also. Do you know where an example of connections between both high and low level following letters might be?



Edited by Harlequin
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Here are a few scribbles I made this morning:




I guess it's somewhere in between my note-taking and my nice script. Montblanc 146 OB, Noodler's Apache Sunset, cheap notebook paper, quick cell phone snap.

journaling / tinkering with pens / sailing / photography / software development

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But how would you write the words ore, write, or, broom?

Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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Here's a suggestion from EC Mills, in his Modern Business Penmanship book:




Thanks for that link. This has given me a better idea of how to write this letter.

Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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But how would you write the words ore, write, or, broom?


Oops, I misread your original post; of course, you are interested in joining into the 'r' when the preceding letter does not end on the baseline. Here's a sample:




I see that my joined-into 'r' can easily look like a dotless 'i' if I'm writing at speed. This was done at a fairly slow speed, certainly much slower than note-taking. For the last two lines, I did slow down a bit more.


edit: Parker Duofold international F, Parker Quink Blue, even cheaper notebook paper, office lighting, same cell phone.

Edited by pmhudepo

journaling / tinkering with pens / sailing / photography / software development

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But how would you write the words ore, write, or, broom?


Oops, I misread your original post; of course, you are interested in joining into the 'r' when the preceding letter does not end on the baseline. Here's a sample:




I see that my joined-into 'r' can easily look like a dotless 'i' if I'm writing at speed. This was done at a fairly slow speed, certainly much slower than note-taking. For the last two lines, I did slow down a bit more.


edit: Parker Duofold international F, Parker Quink Blue, even cheaper notebook paper, office lighting, same cell phone.


I do the same as shown in these pictures, but I extend the "r" just a bit higher so that if you would draw a line across the top of most of the miniscules (a, e, o, u etc.) it would be just a touch above the line.

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I do the same as shown in these pictures, but I extend the "r" just a bit higher so that if you would draw a line across the top of most of the miniscules (a, e, o, u etc.) it would be just a touch above the line.


Me too.

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I think I have got it.


Please call me Nathan. It is a pleasure to meet you.


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Yep, that's the way I do it. Except when I start writing pretty fast-then it tends to shrink a bit and blend in height with the other minuscules...

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Here's the secret to writing a good 'r' after a letter (or, wr, vr, etc). It's SPACING. You know why? Because a good proper spacing between the letters means you can dip your line down a bit and then come up to make your 'r' distinctive. Otherwise you're just coming straight out of your 'o' or 'w' and what not and going down into an 'r' and it doesn't look very clear. It looks like Æ would look if you wrote them together like you write an 'o' and 'r' together. It's like 'or' and 'wr' and 'vr' are a whole different letter because of the proximity of the letters.


Slow down for the 'r's and space your letters out properly and your 'r's (in business script) will clean up quite proper and will start looking like pmhudepo's link.


Spacing, more than anything else, dictates legibility (although slant helps too). Letter form is actually not that important, as evidenced by the at least 5 different types of 'r's we have (see ken's post in the "how do you write your 'r's thread). Spacing is the most important, with slant making sure the letters don't run into each other. Once they stop running into each other, they stand out on their own merit and become the letters they were meant to be. I'm still working on my spacing, but it makes your handwriting pretty nice.

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  • 1 year later...

Another observation from these great examples is to ensure you square the top of your 'r', not rounding like an 'n' and I was taught that the left side of the squared 'r' is slightly higher than the right side, showing a slight slant on the squared top, left to right. Well, that should have confused you, lol, sorry! I came back to this as the discussion of writing the letter r seems to have recently cropped up in other places yet again. :D

Edited by TXKat

So, what's your point?

(Mine is a flexible F.)

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  • 4 years later...

Thanks TXKat: that's a good tip about the left side of the "r" being slightly higher than the right. It does help to identify that it's an "r".

Live life, not long life

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Try these:



… or something like that. If at first …

I love the smell of fountain pen ink in the morning.



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This question in the opening post also meant I had to do some retraining. So I found some practice sheets on the net and went to work on my cursive.


I'm glad to say with some practice I've improved somewhat. This is how it works for me now...





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