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Can A Lamy Safari Fountain Pen Use Parker Cartridges?


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Can a Lamy Safari fountain pen use Parker cartridges?


I have a lot of Parker cartridges, and was thinking of buying a Lamy Safari. As the Lamy comes without a converter, I was wondering whether my existing stock of Parker cartridges will fit it please?

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see http://www.pendemonium.com/index.htm



Proprietary Cartridges

These companies make pens that will ONLY take their cartridges, no others will fit, they are proprietary cartridges. Once in awhile, people get in a pinch and try to SHOVE a different cartridge into one of these pens. It might work, but be forewarned, you're just asking for a leaky cartridge, or even possible damage to your pen.


AT Cross





Sheaffer (except Reacktor which uses Std Short International size)

Sheaffer Slim Cartridge II (Specs: Length: 64.5mm; Insertion end: 3.85mm; Barrel end: 6.5mm)



Edited by pendulous
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Not easily... is there a specific Parker (Quink I'm assuming) ink that you want for you Safari? I'm pretty sure Parker sells all their cartridges in bottled form.

“My two fingers on a typewriter have never connected with my brain. My hand on a pen does. A fountain pen, of course. Ball-point pens are only good for filling out forms on a plane.”

Graham Greene

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Not easily... is there a specific Parker (Quink I'm assuming) ink that you want for you Safari? I'm pretty sure Parker sells all their cartridges in bottled form.


The OP is simply wanting to use up a surplus of Parker cartridges - if I read his post correctly?

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Sorry to disagree but I've had good luck using Parker Carts in my Lamy Safari. Also see this previous discussion:






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I am using a Parker slide converter in my Lamy Safari, no complaints so far.

Never tried cartridges though but they should fit. Above post confirms that too.

Enjoy your pens

Have a nice day


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I bought a bunch of the discontinued Parker Penman Sapphire carts last year, after seeing them mentioned in a couple of threads here at FPN. They have worked perfectly well in my Safari/AlStar Lamys.

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I've got Parker Blue/Black cartridges in a Safari and it works and write like a dream.

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I'm using penman carts in safari, looks like others have good experiences in other Parker carts

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I've had two 45's that both used the Lamy Z26 converter successfully. I don't see why Parker cartridges couldn't work in a Safari. Just because it's "proprietary" doesn't mean it doesn't play well with others.

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Currently trying to sell a Pelikan M400 White Tortoise. PM if you're interested. :)

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You can also use Aurora cartridges in Lamy pens. Just another option for you.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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Everyone, thanks :)


But I've only just come back to this thread and seen all the follow up replies. After the first response, I ordered a Lamy converter so I can just use my bottled inks.


The only reason I wanted to use Parker cartridges was simply to use up a stock of about 20 of them that I have. No matter though :)

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Can a Lamy Safari fountain pen use Parker cartridges?


I have a lot of Parker cartridges, and was thinking of buying a Lamy Safari. As the Lamy comes without a converter, I was wondering whether my existing stock of Parker cartridges will fit it please?



Hello! Parker and Aurora cartridges, which are, essentially, the same design and shape, will indeed fit in some Lamy fountain pens, like the Safari. I cannot fit a Parker/Aurora cartridge in my Lamy CP1, however. Although a new Parker cartridge will fit snuggly onto the CP1 feed nipple, it will not fit properly inside the barrel when I attempt to screw the pen together.


Please note that I must respectfully disagree with those who use Parker or Aurora converters in Lamy pens. Although a new Parker/Aurora cartridge, when punctured with a Lamy feed nipple, will fit properly--that is, it is airtight around the connection, snug and secure, the Parker or Aurora converter will not be snug and, therefore, will present an air leak that will disrupt the proper balance between ink and air that Lewis Waterman recognized as being important for proper ink flow. If the ink in a converter, when filled properly, does not freely move back and forth like the liquid in a carpenter's level, than there is an imbalance in the system which will create an ink flow problem (the ink, sometimes, gets stuck up at the wrong end of the converter). This is often incorrectly recognized as a nib or feed problem. It is, more often, a converter tolerance issue. Also, there is a huge chance that ink will leak at the feed nipple--especially during air travel.


It would be wiser to use the proper converter for either a Parker, Aurora, or Lamy fountain pen, and it has often been necessary for me to try several converters to find one that was manufactured properly. Frankly, that's why I prefer a dedicated piston-filled fountain pen--or I use cartridges with c/c pens. In my opinion, the best converters are the old-style aerometric (closed-system) converters, and I prefer them over poorly fitting or poorly manufactured piston converters that leak in air.


Regards, Robert

No matter where you go, there you are.

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It would be wiser to use the proper converter for either a Parker, Aurora, or Lamy fountain pen, and it has often been necessary for me to try several converters to find one that was manufactured properly.





Thank you. I have in fact ordered the correct Lamy converter for use in the Safari pen. I thought better safe than sorry when it comes to possible ink leaks.

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I think this has to do with the shape of the Lamy cartridge vs. the Aurora and Parker. I remembered vaguely that there was at least one Lamy pen that had issues with both the Aurora and Parker cartridges due to the shape of the cartridge body.


I second the converter suggestion. There a slight differences in the sizes of the cartridge and converter connectors, and while these are often trivial when using cartridges, they are important when using converters.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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Can a Lamy Safari fountain pen use Parker cartridges?


I have a lot of Parker cartridges, and was thinking of buying a Lamy Safari. As the Lamy comes without a converter, I was wondering whether my existing stock of Parker cartridges will fit it please?


Not likely. Some people claim to have used Lamy carts in Parker pens, and Parkers in Lamy, but:


- I find that size slightly off.

- Safari converters can be had for about $5 USD, on-line

- Lamy carts are reasonably priced, and their ink is decent. Also easy to find on-line

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Good idea ordering a converter. It's really the easiest solution for the Safari, and I've found Lamy's build quality to be superb. Glad you found the help you needed here.

- - -


Currently trying to sell a Pelikan M400 White Tortoise. PM if you're interested. :)

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