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Noodler's Blue


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I love that Noodler's carries the basic "just" colors. Blue, Black, Green, Brown, Purple, Violet, Red, Yellow. They're not fancy or themed, they're just colors. And this is just a great blue. :thumbup:














Definitely can recommend this blue!


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Thank you for taking the time to write the nice review. I tried a sample and liked the color as well. My issue was the drying time on Clairefontaine.

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Nice observation on the darkness/density of the ink. I thought I was just having dryout problems or something because the ink seemed much darker and more concentrated than I expected after a few days of keeping it in a pen. Still, it seems a nice middle blue. Thanks for the review!


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Absolutely love the writing sample of the diluted ink! This one really caught my eye - shading from cyan to indigo. Really neat!


Noticed that this blue has 'Shah's Rose' as a component.

The faintest ink is more powerful than the strongest memory - Chinese proverb

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Thanks for another look at this ink. :thumbup:


I too have found the dry times unexpectedly long. e.g. 20-25 seconds on Rhodia. If one seeks a much shorter dry time on such papers, Noodler's Bernanke Blue may be considered.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thanks for another look at this ink. :thumbup:


I too have found the dry times unexpectedly long. e.g. 20-25 seconds on Rhodia. If one seeks a much shorter dry time on such papers, Noodler's Bernanke Blue may be considered.





I will give the Bernanke Blue a try.

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Nice review!! After carrying out an intensive blue ink comparisson for my FPs, I decided that this was the perfect blue. I've got some problems too with the drying time -certainly in Clairefontaine- but have sorted it out by inserting a sheet of regular 80g photocopy paper when I turn a freshly written page on my journal. However I did notice some change of tone between the Goulet sample I used during my ink research and the bottle I bought later to a German supplier, the latter being somewhat darker than the former. Maybe the fact that these inks are produced in a rather artisan manner come to a price in terms of variablity among different batches of the same ink.

Zenbat buru hainbat aburu

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Thanks everyone!


Nice review!! After carrying out an intensive blue ink comparisson for my FPs, I decided that this was the perfect blue. I've got some problems too with the drying time -certainly in Clairefontaine- but have sorted it out by inserting a sheet of regular 80g photocopy paper when I turn a freshly written page on my journal. However I did notice some change of tone between the Goulet sample I used during my ink research and the bottle I bought later to a German supplier, the latter being somewhat darker than the former. Maybe the fact that these inks are produced in a rather artisan manner come to a price in terms of variablity among different batches of the same ink.


Thanks! It's my second-perfect blue, hehe. :ltcapd: I actually slightly prefer the color of Noodler's Midway Blue (which I'll be posting a review for shortly), even though tint-wise I admit this is superior as a "pure" blue. :D


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Here's a scan from my upcoming Noodler's Midway Blue review:




I really do think Blue is more "blue" than Midway Blue, but I still prefer MB for some reason. Both are great inks! :thumbup:


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I've always wondered... how close are Noodler's Blue and Noodler's Blue American Eel, really? Like, they look very, very close at Goulet, and so when I fell in love with Noodler's Blue, I decided to try a sample of the eel and ended up buying a bottle of that for lubricating properties. But I do still wonder... how close, really?

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I've always wondered... how close are Noodler's Blue and Noodler's Blue American Eel, really? Like, they look very, very close at Goulet, and so when I fell in love with Noodler's Blue, I decided to try a sample of the eel and ended up buying a bottle of that for lubricating properties. But I do still wonder... how close, really?

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I appreciate your reviews of the basic Noodler's colors, mhphoto. Good to give these underappreciated colors some exposure. While grateful for the vast selection of colors with fun names, sometimes it is nice to circle back to the basic, less intense (and perhaps less divisive) colors.

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Thanks guys!


I've always wondered... how close are Noodler's Blue and Noodler's Blue American Eel, really? Like, they look very, very close at Goulet, and so when I fell in love with Noodler's Blue, I decided to try a sample of the eel and ended up buying a bottle of that for lubricating properties. But I do still wonder... how close, really?


I've honestly never tried Blue Eel (it's made its way into my shopping cart many times, but always got kicked out for one reason or another), but from everything I've heard about it from other reviews, I'd venture to say it's pretty darn close to the plain Noodler's Blue. Nathan might've even taken N. Blue and added whatever lubricant he uses and called it a day (but that's totally not in his style :roflmho: ).


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  • 1 month later...

I've always wondered... how close are Noodler's Blue and Noodler's Blue American Eel, really? Like, they look very, very close at Goulet, and so when I fell in love with Noodler's Blue, I decided to try a sample of the eel and ended up buying a bottle of that for lubricating properties. But I do still wonder... how close, really?


I believe that the original Noodler's Blue was just a hair darker-and-richer looking than Eel Blue, and also was a permanent ink -- after soaking there was always a legible stain, whereas Eel Blue was a washable formula. However, somewhere along the line Noodler's Blue got reformulated, and is now a washable ink too, and the newer bottles look identical to Eel Blue.


I miss the old formula, but it seems Liberty's Elysium is the new permanent blue, and is a very pretty ink.

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I normally prefer blue-blacks but I think I'm sold on this. Gorgeous. Thanks for the great review.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I don't get all that attached to inks. I have some I prefer but it doesn't disturb me when I can no longer get them.


That said, I like Noodlers Blue, but with my writing I always thought it was more of a Cyan than a Blue. (my bottle is several years old and he may have reformulated to the swatches exhibited here.) My bottles of Eel Blue & Blue look the same to me.


I don't use it often as I got caught in a "buy ink" thing a couple of years ago and I am trying to work my way down to "reasonable", so I don't fill a pen with it that often.

Edited by RLTodd


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