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Twsbi Diamond 530 Barrel Has A Crack


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Hi all,

I have a question-need some input. Several months ago I bought a TWSBI diamond 530 clear pen & I really love it! But......upon recently emptying all the ink out & flushing the pen w/ water to clean it for a color change in ink, I noticed a small line (crack) in the plastic body/barrel coming downwards along the barrel assembly (part #6 on the little instruction paper that comes with the pen). I tried to be extra careful & it still filled ink just fine/wrote just fine, but soon after, I went to flush the ink out & heard a little snap/crack sound & saw that the crack (line) was now much longer going down the barrel & the (part #13) little knob/endcap you twist to fill or flush the pen just kept spinning & nothing happened with the piston parts to fill or flush the ink. I gently took the pen apart & cleaned it with water, let it dry & now have the pieces sitting on my desk. I'd like to know is there a way to 'fix' or repair (for cheap) the pen? I use it just about daily. Can a replacement part be ordered cheaply? Thanks a bunch for any advice!

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Just shoot them an e-mail. TWSBI is known for utterly fantastic customer service, I'm sure they'll get you fixed up easy as pie.

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