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Sailor Epinard And Tokiwa-Matsu


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How similar or different are the two Sailor inks - Epinard and Tokiwa-Matsu (one of the winter 2010 seasonal inks)? Any writing samples out there?


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The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Perfect, thanks. My search skills obviously need some improvement.

You're welcome!


The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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The Sailor Epinard ink looks nice on paper...

Pilot Vanishing Point Royal Red

Sailor Professional Gear - Sailor Jentle Grenade

Kaweco AC Sport Red Limited Edition - Kaweco Red

Sheaffer Prelude Chrome - Private Reserve Sherwood Green

TWSBI Diamond 540 - Sheaffer Purple

Sheaffer 300 - Private Reserve Orange Crush

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Here's a side by side comparison. Samples are written on Clairefontaine paper with the same pen.


Tokiwa matsu on the left, epinard on the right:




They're pretty similar, except that tokiwa matsu has more of a yellow undertone. They are equally well behaved inks.

Edited by geoduc
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  • 2 years later...

I have both. They are very similar, and I like them almost equally. The Matsu has a gorgeous golden sheen you don't see with the Epinard. Up to now Ive been using the Epinard for general writing and saving the Matsu for special occasions as I didn't think I'd see it again. But now they've brought back, yippeee! Will be ordering a new bottle asap.

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It seems like Tokiwa-matsu might be similar to R & K's Alt Goldgrun, but perhaps a little darker?

Edited by mtnbiker62
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But neither seem as wonderful as Riku Cha, of which I have about 10 ml left and am guarding it with my life :-(

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I just recently did a comparison between Tokiwa-matsu 2010, 2014, and Epinard. Here are some shots.












More pictures in my comparison album here.

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I'm seeing a remarkable similarity.

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I would argue that the Tokiwa-Matsu is both more yellow and missing the brownish-red undertones Epinard has. In return you seem to get more shading and a whisper of blue in the highlights. I would say it's worthwhile to own both, but I say that about most inks. ;)


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Reality check here guys...



If you see them side by side (same nib size, same paper, same lightning) .. you can easily tell the differences (more yellow, less red sheen... etc).. But using different nibs sizes, different paper.. different lightning.. .I will bet anything that most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.



I mean... even Nathan Tardif has a disclaimer (somewhere) that since Noodlers ink is prepared in small batches .. slight differences can be seen from batch to batch.


Considering all the variables: humidity, flow, nib size, paper colour... etc.. we should be shocked when ink from same bottle looks exactly the same on different pens... :P

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