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Fountain Pens In Toronto... Help?


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To be honest, Toronto is a dead zone for fountain pens. As far as I know, there are only two proper dealers of fountain pens: Laywines and Sleuth & Statesman. I know there's a Montblanc outlet, but I'm not ready to drop $600 on a pen just yet.


Is there anywhere else that I can pick up pens, even vintage? Laywines is great, and I plan on visiting S&S, but I don't want to be stuck if they don't have a particular pen I would like. There must be at least one other store here. Any advice?

Cross Aventura black, medium; Kaweco Sport white, fine; Lamy AL-Star ocean blue, medium; Lamy Studio dark blue, extra fine; Lamy 2000, fine; Montblanc Meisterstück 149, medium; Namiki Falcon black resin w. gold, soft broad; Parker Arrow black, fine (?); Pilot VP black w. gold, medium; Sailor 1911m blue w. gold, fine; Sailor Pro Gear black w. gold, medium; Waterman Phileas black, fine

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Essence du Papier stocks pens from all the major pen brands. They have 2 locations, in the PATH under the TD Centre and one just north of Yonge and Eglinton.


I don't know if they are still around of The Ultimate Gift Shop (note the link is from 2006) as well stocks quite a few pens. They are by the Eaton Centre.


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There's a watch & hobbies shop in Pacific Mall that stocks fountain pens. Saw some Lamy Safari, Al-Star and Vistas in the window.


J. Herbin Lie De Thé inked Lamy Vista / Diamine Delamere Green inked Parker 75 "Grid" Vermeil


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I only knew of Laywines and Sleuth & Statesman. There's always the internet...


Essence du Papier stocks pens from all the major pen brands. They have 2 locations, in the PATH under the TD Centre and one just north of Yonge and Eglinton.


I don't know if they are still around of The Ultimate Gift Shop (note the link is from 2006) as well stocks quite a few pens. They are by the Eaton Centre.


I'd never heard of them before. I'll have to check them out.

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I only knew of Laywines and Sleuth & Statesman. There's always the internet...

I know, but I wouldn't mind trying before I buy. That's always better than buying blind.


There's a watch & hobbies shop in Pacific Mall that stocks fountain pens. Saw some Lamy Safari, Al-Star and Vistas in the window.

Also, I'm staying as far away from Pacific Mall as possible. And I'm already far enough as it is (along Yonge Street, from where I live to where I go to school).

Edited by XP100

Cross Aventura black, medium; Kaweco Sport white, fine; Lamy AL-Star ocean blue, medium; Lamy Studio dark blue, extra fine; Lamy 2000, fine; Montblanc Meisterstück 149, medium; Namiki Falcon black resin w. gold, soft broad; Parker Arrow black, fine (?); Pilot VP black w. gold, medium; Sailor 1911m blue w. gold, fine; Sailor Pro Gear black w. gold, medium; Waterman Phileas black, fine

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Well, if you are interested in a hunt and a gamble, I suggest that if you are not too busy Monday, that you go to the Heritage Antique Market at Cenertpoint Mall. Since nothing is open in the mall due to the Holiday, it is turned into an old style antique market, with, no admission costs, and plenty of parking nearby, or if you use Public Transport, well there is a nearby bus stop for it as well. You may find nothing, you may find something. If you do not mind bargaining you should be able to get the sellers to at least cover the tax, and if you take cash, which they usually prefer, they may drop there total with tax to under the marked price. Yes, you may find the uninformed dealer whom will try to get a high price because of the Gold Nib on some common Vintage Pen, but you can also make some interesting finds, especially, if you, like me like Vintage Toronto made Parkers, or a maybe a Quebec made Vintage Waterman.

Edited by Parker51
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If you can get out of Toronto, head to Phidon Pens in Cambridge. About 45 minutes west of Pearson on the 401.


It's a small store, but it has the best selection of pens in the province (best selection I've seen between TO, Montreal, and Vancouver). Hands down. You name it, they carry it... including some rare limited editions. Plus the friendliest and most exuberant staff I've encountered.



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Fairview Mall has La Swiss that stocks a lot of brands right now (Lamy, Taccia i think, Monteverde [no mini converter =(], and a lot more), and there's Midoco downtown at The Annex that also stocks a small selection (nothing's really caught my eye though).

http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc122/CxTPB/InkDropLogoFPN2.jpg Member since Sept 7, 2010

TWSBI Diamond 530 - Private Reserve Avocado

Black Kaweco Sport M Nib - Diamine Oxblood

Wing Sung #233 - Noodler's Lexington Gray

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Thanks for all the help guys. However, I'm a bit limited in how I get around. I only use public transport, and I'm only downtown for university. I only have time to hunt between classes.


Mondays would be perfect, though, since I have a six hour gap between classes. This Monday, though, is out of the question. I have personal things going on Monday.


Speaking of which, anybody know where I could find vintage pens without having to resort to online dealers (other than Laywines, which I know offers them)?

Cross Aventura black, medium; Kaweco Sport white, fine; Lamy AL-Star ocean blue, medium; Lamy Studio dark blue, extra fine; Lamy 2000, fine; Montblanc Meisterstück 149, medium; Namiki Falcon black resin w. gold, soft broad; Parker Arrow black, fine (?); Pilot VP black w. gold, medium; Sailor 1911m blue w. gold, fine; Sailor Pro Gear black w. gold, medium; Waterman Phileas black, fine

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Ok..here's the thing. There are a number of private sellers for vintage pens in the Toronto area. A great many of us know each other and are happy to help people out. The very best thing to do would be to get out to a pen breakfast and meet some folks and I know that there would be a number of reputable people who would help you out. If you would like some more info contact me b/c.


All the best




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