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Giant Pen In Copenhagen


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My Brother in Law just returned from a visit to Copenhagen. He said he saw this giant pen on the side of a building there and immediately thought of me (knowing my love for Fountain Pens).




Really Cool - Never saw anything like this...... :roflmho:




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That's interesting.I wonder if it was an old advertisement?


In doing some research on it to find out what it might be for (I couldn't imagine what it was doing there) I traced it to a store that sells pens in Copenhagen called "Stelling". However, I think this pen is on the other side of the actual store front? Not sure - Do any other members know anymore about what this could be???

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And here I'm thinking of the filling lever...


It's probably a button filler that can hold a growler of Noodler's :thumbup:

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In Copenhagen . . . It could be a Penol.

Edited by aawhite

I only have two pens - an Aurora Optima and others.

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I've been to Stelling many times. It's a nice office supply / art supply / stationary store with a back room dedicated to fountain pens, ballpoints, mechanical pencils and ink. They sell most modern brands, including a few European models which you won't find in most US B&M stores. The prices are OK and the service is good. They usually have a few vintage items in the showcase but they typically aren't for sale. I believe the owner is a collector.


The giant Duofold is on the outside of the building, near the back end of the store where the FP shop is.


Definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in Copenhagen.



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