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Comparison: Pilot 'asa-gao' :: Visconti Blue


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Please take a moment to adjust the brightness & contrast of your monitor to accurately depict this Gray Scale.

As the patches are neutral gray, their colour on your monitor should also be neutral gray.

Figure 1. Gray Scale.


Figure 2. Swabs


  • Pilot asa-gao x3
  • Visconti Blue x3
  • Pilot asa-gao x2
  • Visconti Blue x2
  • Pilot asa-gao x1
  • Visconti Blue x1

Figure 3. Other Stuff


  • Left Side: Pilot asa-gao
  • Right Side: Visconti Blue

Written Samples - Moby Dick


Figure 4. Written Samples on Rhodia


  • Left Side. Pilot asa-gao: Nine lines from the M200+EF; then ten lines from the 330+M; then ten lines from the Safari+1.1i .
  • Right Side. Visconti Blue: Nine lines from the M200+EF; then ten lines from the 330+M; then ten lines from the Safari+1.1i .

Figure 5. Written Samples on HPJ1124


  • 1st Line: Pilot asa-gao from the 330+M
  • 2nd Line: Visconti Blue from the 330+M
  • 3rd Line: Pilot asa-gao from the Safari+1.1i
  • 4th Line: Visconti Blue from the Safari+1.1i


High Resolution Scans


As I do not wish to have the sobriquet 'Queen of the Bandwidth Bandits', these are Links only.

  • Pilot asa-gao from 330+M on Rhodia. My link
  • Visconti Blue from 330+M on Rhodia. My link
  • Pilot asa-gao from Safari+1.1i on Rhodia. My link
  • Visconti Blue from Safari+1.1i on Rhodia. My link
  • Pilot asa-gao and Visconti Blue from 330+M on HPJ1124. My link
  • Pilot asa-gao and Visconti Blue from Safari+1.1i on HPJ1124. My link



  • These are the things which are not apparent from the Images.
  • These observations may differ ever so slightly from the Ink Review/s that may be in place.
  • My contribution was to generate enough reasonable samples, then capture the appearance of those samples.
  • If you'd like more detailed information, please send me a PM; I'll do what I can. (Within reason - you naughty FPN boys).
  • I leave it to each viewer to interpret what is seen, and/or to initiate discussion in the usual way.


  • Both are dye-based FP inks.

Flow Rate:

  • Both inks are higher than average.

Nib Dry-out:

  • Both inks are OK.


  • Both inks are OK.


  • Both inks are higher than average.

Nib Creeping:

  • None for both inks.


  • None after 3 days for both inks.


  • Not seen for both inks.

Bleed Through:

  • None on papers used for both inks.

Show Through:

  • None on papers used for both inks.
  • Both sides of the sheet may be used.


  • Both cleaned-up within a reasonable time with plain water.

Densitometer Readings - From the Ink Reviews. (FWIW)


  • Pilot asa-gao:
    • Red 91
    • Grn 119
    • Blu 226
    • Lum 135

  • Visconti Blue:
    • Red 72
    • Grn 95
    • Blu 206
    • Lum 112






  • Written Samples:
    • Rhodia
    • HPJ1124
    • Glossy card

  • Other:
    • Glossy paper
    • HPJ1124
    • Royal - 25% cotton rag


  • Pelikan M200 + M200-series g-p steel EF
  • Sheaffer 330 + steel M
  • Lamy Pink Safari + a rather wet steel 1.1i


  • Scans were made on an Epson V600 scanner; factory defaults were accepted.
  • Figures shown were scanned at 96 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • Images linked were scanned at 300 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • Scans went straight to the file sharing thingy.


The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thanks, S1. Your samples from the Safari do a nice job of showing the difference between these inks. The color rendition is very accurate.


These are both on the top shelf in my collection - great colors and impeccable behavior. I've tried a number of other blues as well, but Diamine Majestic Blue is the only one so far that I'd put on the same tier.

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Thanks, S1. Your samples from the Safari do a nice job of showing the difference between these inks. The color rendition is very accurate.


These are both on the top shelf in my collection - great colors and impeccable behavior. I've tried a number of other blues as well, but Diamine Majestic Blue is the only one so far that I'd put on the same tier.



You're welcome!


As was mentioned, I have 'goosed' the wetness on the Safari by flossing between the tines, and a stroke with the shim / feeler stock. I do like the wider nibs simply because they show more ink, but to me an array of nibs (wetness & width) is required to really see what an ink is doing.


These two inks are indeed worthy of front & centre position in my ink array.


The colour is accurate to me as well - certainly not like having the ink-on-paper samples in one's hand, but more than fit for purpose.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Sandy, your results mirror mine (to the extent that my comparison is one line of each written with the same dip pen (a Perry Iridinoid 105 reservoir nib with a folded tip)).


Now, when my asa-gao bottle is empty, I can refill it from a $6.00 bottle of Visconti Van Gogh Blue...


“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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Thank you, dear Sandy1!! Two modern, nice and famous blue inks to compare! I have a VB bottle: great medium to dark blue, with good behavour. Two critical in my oppinion: Drying Time is slow and it is not waterproof, even water resistent (most of FP inks also are not, though). Pilot Asa-Gao I've not tried yet, but looks like a tad lighter.




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Thank you, dear Sandy1!! Two modern, nice and famous blue inks to compare! I have a VB bottle: great medium to dark blue, with good behavour. Two critical in my oppinion: Drying Time is slow and it is not waterproof, even water resistent (most of FP inks also are not, though). Pilot Asa-Gao I've not tried yet, but looks like a tad lighter.






You're welcome!


The VB is very nice indeed. The experience of writing with VB certainly adds to its popularity.


Doing the Smear / Dry Time can be very tricky. I do them as consistently as possible, so the results are relative - not absolute. Also, even from the samples, one can see that there is a big difference between glossy and regular paper: sometimes longer; sometimes shorter! All that shows to me, is that each person needs to sample their ink on their paper, etc. YMMV


I think the water resistance is not so bad: once the excess (soluable) dye is washed away, what remains can easily be read and/or scanned, photocopied to recover the writing in a reasonable fashion. The biggest problem is when an ink washes away leaving nothing behind that can be used to recover what was written.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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