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Paragraph From Lord Of The Rings


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Italic nib on Clairefontaine Triomphe paper. Bought a 1.1mm italic nib for my Safari. I should have bought it from the start. I am still working on the proper angle. Before writing the paragraph, I had only used the nib on my Moleskine journal. Big difference in the way it writes on the Triomphe. The Moleskine paper just sucks up the ink whereas with the Triomphe the ink doesn't even bleed through.


post-38448-024076900 1281857106.jpg

Man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.



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Fantastic book and some pretty nice handwriting that fits the theme. Well done!




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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nice, but it's a bit too... crowded!?! try to leave more space between the lines (smaller letters).

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It's a very visually interesting piece of writing, having read LotR a few times it has the feel of runic writing, that I suspect was the aim, in which case good effort.


I don't know if you've ever seen any dark ages copies of the bible but the closeness of the lines and the exact form of the letters also lends this a less formal gothic look, not the easiest to read quickly (but that just means we can think about the meaning of what we're reading) but very disciplined. I think it would be a good text form with which to write a Desiderata.


I like it.



"Those Who Know What's Best For Us, Must Rise And Save Us From Ourselves."

Witch Hunt - Neil Peart



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I like it too. Well done :thumbup:

Whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

Philippians 4.8

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Ah, the joys of the italic hand. I also feel the italic writing catches the spirit of a runic hand, and it is quite appropriate for the quote you used. I have found for myself that writing the cursive variant if italic gives me a feel for natural spacing between letters in a word. It might give some good insight into your spacing to write the same quote in cursive italic. But, what you have is well done.

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Thanks for the replies. I'll write it out again and try to put more spaces between the letters.

Man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.



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oh, I am such a sap - I love this passage and even after all this years it still gives me goosebumps.


Very nice writing, I would agree with everyone else about giving a little more space between words and perhaps also between lines. And thank you also for the pen info, I was about to order an italic nib for my Safari, I like the width you have chosen here.

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Here is my second attempt. I put a little more space between the letters.


post-38448-070114100 1281936699.jpg

Man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks.



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Here is my second attempt. I put a little more space between the letters.


post-38448-070114100 1281936699.jpg


Even better. Bravo!




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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