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Diamond Point


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Morning folks, with temperatures of about 15 °C here in Discovery Bay. Looking out my window, hoping to catch a glimpse of an illegal buggy race (which..has never happened yet unfortunately..but would be plenty fun i imagine) I recall that its now 8am on a Friday and everyone else is at work.


Now, finally equipped with my sacred cup of coffee (aaaaahh) with the background sound of Mike Rowe & Dirty Jobs to muffle the annoying early morning rythm of jackhammers and drills next door, in addition to the chattering of contractors (who seemed extremely happy with breaking down the walls), I sit at my desk scrolling through the pen reviews board thinking,"hey..why dont I give this a try..?" hence inspiring me (or it could be due to the faint smell of paint) to pull out my cam and snap some shots of one of my all time favourite pens in my small inventory..the Diamond Point Pen in Red.



This is in no shape or form a professional review intended to raise the current value of the pen or increase the demand in it's collectability (there are paid professionals for that).

This is merely meant to be a fun review where I share MY (the ever so humble amature) opinions of the pen.


Anyway - the reason why I'm here :



Purchased some time ago from Marucio Aguilar on his vintagepen.net website, this oversized pen is not as oversized as one would think. Even in my average sized asian hands, it feels remarkably comfortable and has just the right balance to not feel like I'm holding a block of brick. It comes in a variety of striking colours and designs as you can see in his website and I proudly have in my possession, 2 of the oversized pens in Jade Green and Red. I've not seen many reviews of Diamond Points (one of the reasons why I'm doing this) and only one or two places that offer its history so I'm assuming that it was most likely considered "just one of those vintage pen brands" not widely known by many.



Diamond Point Red :

First Impressions / Appearance : 5/5

Simply stunning.

This is a pen that will shout out your name and demand your attention.


The flat-top cap spots a black ring at the top with a double gold band at the end with the clip proudly bearing it's name. The screw on Cap glides securely on the threads to close it.



Nib & Performance: 5/5

A winner..a superb, no-nonesense, full flex, warranted 14k #8 that will provide you with hours and hours of flexing fun from Fine to BB with the greatest of ease. Very little pressure needed for the tines to spread. This dangerous combination of a lightweight pen and a flexible nib has been known to cause countless flex addicts to skip meals, cancel appointments and disappear for days at a time (the guilty ones are grinning right now reading this..yeah you!!).



The pictures below taken of the backpage of a no-brand, 5mm squared paper (60g/m2) is evidence that little pressure was applied to the writing sample.

Perfect for those of us who spend all day scribbling and not wanting to waste a full backpage..(hey..every line in every page counts !!)

Woops ! Looks like I forgot to cross my "T" !


Writing with this is a dream, as it puts down a smooth line (look at the close up shot) and the ink flow consistently keeps up with the spread eagle tines during a downstroke.


Filling System : 5/5

Lever-filler lets you pump this baby full of ink, and because it's an oversized pen, well - you do the math on just how much ink it can swallow.


Cost & Value: 5/5

Like many others out there, I fall within the category of collectors who values a pen more on how well it functions as a writer and how well it lays down a line more so than just the appearence of a piece.

I have a rule : if it looks like a lambrogini but drives like a bus, then "OFF WITH HIS HEAD" not litterally, but you get the idea (sorry - just watched Wonderland yesterday).


Overall Score: 5/5

Aces in my book and from the point of view of a humble novice collector like myself, this is a pen of "family heirloom" status..at least of course until my future children discover ebay..

Hands down a truly a remarkable piece of work.


And there you have it !! My first review (yay!)

The noises next door have subsided for now (as the contractors are now on their lunch break) only to be replaced by the freakish growl in my tummy - hmmmm I feel like having some flied lice...




Edited by Apotheosis


"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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Nice review and view, thanks.

And how can this be, because he is the Kwisatz Haderach.


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Hello everyone and thanks for reading the review.

Although not as professionally done as with a lot of the other previous review posts done by veterans here, I am glad everyone had as much of a fun time reading it as i had coming up with it :blush:. Unfortunately I've had no form of formal training, just study references from a couple of books and also from the abundance of samples easily found here on the forum.


Was thinking of doing another review soon, but lets see.




Edited by Apotheosis


"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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Amazing handwriting. If I wasn't so busy at school I'd get a Diamond Point right now.

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Good review. Loved your handwriting!

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Great review and great handwriting, Leo!

I've recently purchased a Diamond Point (from Mauricio, great person!). I didn't know really much on these pens, but I'm really satisfied of this oversize fountain pen. I agree completely to Leo review, just want to add some pictures of mine (a woodgrain finish):


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S5tZmBPsnTI/AAAAAAAAHYA/J2aEPTGDR54/s400/di%2009.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S5tZZWuIunI/AAAAAAAAHXk/krtW64lSbJs/s400/di%2004.JPG


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S4QPR8MM1XI/AAAAAAAAHSo/_faJvATtmkw/s400/Diamond%2013.JPG http://lh6.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S4TQD19issI/AAAAAAAAHTM/UbDOBdUejQM/s400/24022010293.jpg

http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh20/tipstricks_photo/31032009052_cr.jpg - My albums
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Apotheosis and tipstricks, you guys are such an inspiration! Beautiful work with very nice pens. Thanks for the pictures!

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What a great review you have done. Beautiful pictures and outstanding writing samples for a pen you seem to enjoy a lot and have great control of.

You are correct, there is not a lot of information available on Diamond Point pens. I would like to ask your permission to add a little more historical information to Diamond Points pens and add pictures of some pictures of a few DPs from my personal collection. Diamond Point pens are some of my favorite vintage flexy pens. Beautiful styles offered in oversize flat tops and "domed ends" celluloid models, pen profiles not offered in vintage Waterman Ideals, another high quality pens and awesome flexy writer.




Beautiful writing sample and pictures of your wood grain Diamond Point pen. Thanks for your kind words.


I really enjoy FPN, but people like Leo and Tipstricks made my visits to this wonderful forum a lot more pleasant. How nice is to befriend and acquiant with other pen enthusiasts from all over the world.

Tu Amigo!

Mauricio Aguilar




E-Mail: VintagePen@att.net

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Dear Mr Aguilar,

Please do share !!

Anyone and everyone who has a diamond point and wants to share pictures, their own reviews are more than welcomed to help expand this review anytime !



"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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Dear Mr Aguilar,

Please do share !!

Anyone and everyone who has a diamond point and wants to share pictures, their own reviews are more than welcomed to help expand this review anytime !






Thanks for allowing me to add some pictures and extra historical information about our beloved vintage Diamond Point fountain pens.





The following pictures represent samples of Diamond Point pens from my personal collection and pens I owned and sold through my pen website. There is very little information available on Diamond Point pens, and my main intention to post this information is to share my very limited and humble knowledge of this fountain pen brand. My second purpose is to make a clear statement that Diamond Point indeed made a significant amount of tier-1 fountain pens, mostly during the 1920s and 1930s. It is heart-breaking to read statements indicating all Diamond Point pens are tier-2 or tier-3 pens. The upcoming pictures will help anyone make his or her own conclusion. As a referential point to that era, Waterman pens dominated the pen market during 1900-1927 and until Parker pens launched the Duofold, the iconic pen model that changed the dynamics of the pen market place, both in market share for pen makers and in fountain pen design, features, feeding systems, available colors, etc.



I am not an expert on Diamond Point pens. I am just a humble collector and user who gets lots of funs from Diamond Point pens. I like their designs, colors and writing capabilities with their flexible nibs (not available in all models) of DPs. A Diamond Point pen deserves the credit (or blame!) as being the first fountain pen that got me hooked into flexible writing.


Diamond Point pre-1920 models:


Prior to year 1920, they named and imprinted their pens, packaging and marketing materials as "Diamond Point"

After 1920, they incorporated a new brand identity, using the name "New Diamond Point" The word "NEW" was displayed inside their diamond-shaped symbol




From left to right:

Pen 1: Eyedropper in Black Hard Rubber with gold overlay on the cap and two ornate bands on the barrel

Pen 2: Eyedropper in Black Chased Hard Rubber with gold bands on the barrel

Pen 3: Lever filler in Black Chased Hard Rubber with gold crown on the cap and additional wide band on the cap lip

Pen 4: Lever filler in Black Chased Hard Rubber with two wide gold bands on the cap


A very significant amount of Diamond Point pens were fitted with 14K Warranted flexible nibs and another significant amount came with 14K Diamond Point flexible nibs. Pens 3 & 4 above have super flex "wet noodles" and two of my nicest flexy wirters ... Writing samples and pictures of the nibs will come at a later time!


Diamond Point 1920 models in Hard Rubber:

Prior to year 1920, they named and imprinted their pens, packaging and marketing materials as "Diamond Point"

After 1920, they incorporated a new brand identity, using the name "New Diamond Point" The word "NEW" was displayed inside their diamond-shaped symbol



All four of these pens have smooth exterior finish (no chasing) and are oversized flat-tops, wider in diameter (girth) than a Parker Duofold Sr.

From left to right: Pens 1, 3 & 4 measure 5 1/2" long (capped) while pen 2 is about 5" long (capped)

All four pens have flexible nibs


Diamond Point 1920 models in Plastic:


These are perhaps the most common Diamond Point pens or at least the ones I see the most. Please notice the vast array of vibrant colors available while the competition at the time mainly offered black, lapis blue, "red", jade green and perhaps a few more colors.




The first pen in the picture above (from the left to the right) is black and has some marbled green spots that shine nicely when exposed to direct light




















While all most oversized flat-tops range in three sizes: 5 1/4", 5 3/8", and 5 1/2" in length (capped), I have owned one flat-top in its standard size (will have to locate that picture) and one in a Junior size that is a tad shorter of 5" long, capped (see pen #3, from the left to the right, in the picture below)




... I am leaving the nicest one to be the last in this segment. This is a Diamond Point boxed set. The set includes the fountain pen in marbled amber color with gold tirm, matching pencil with a gold crown on the cap, accompanied by Australian leather wallets with its distinctive "Diamond" metal emblem encrusted in the leather. The box itself is a high quality pen box with gold satin and very elegant floral patterns in golden materials on the interior and exterior of the box. Very impressive pen set. Have only seen one of this so far!





Diamond Point 1930s models:


This model has "domed" ends or cigar shapes, common in Conklin Crescent and previous models of Mabie Todd, Swan, and other pen makers. The uniqueness of Diamond Point is they used celluloid materials and made these pens in mottled or marbled colors, leaving some gorgeous color patterns in a very nice pen design.


The following three pictures belong to the first Diamond Point pen I acquired. It is this pen that got my mind (as well as my arms, hands and fingers!!!) spinning in all different directions as I was trying to figure out how to write with a flexible nib. It has a semiflex fine to broad and it has a magnificent red and brown/copper marbled celluloid with gold trim. It measured 5 3/*" long (capped). Needless to say, I have fond memories of this pen ... and the adventure into flexible writing started from this pen up to this day. It is just never ending pleasure in my opinion, allowing the pen user to take a fountain pen and its nib to the ultimate degree of writing satisfaction and performance!!!









The following two pictures are Demi models, measuring 4 1/2" in length (capped). The marbled amber/moss with red and white veins in another gorgeous color pattern as well. Their colors tend to oxidize quite a bit. This sample has very little oxidation.






It is my desire that one day you decide to give a chance to a vintage Diamond Point pen and that one of these beauties gives you as much writing pleasure as they have done to me.


More nib pictures and writing samples at a later time. Happy writings!

Edited by Mauricio

Tu Amigo!

Mauricio Aguilar




E-Mail: VintagePen@att.net

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Many thanks for your added contribution !! I wasnt aware there were so many different beautiful designs !

(thats a lot of pens for a humble collector by the way !! :roflmho:)


Edited by Apotheosis


"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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I bought mine from Mauricio too without knowing much from this pen and I am not sorry I did; I am sorry I have NOT bought many more!!

Mauricio, your collection is very desirable!


Leo, that is a very nice pen, I have the slimmer version of it.

sonia alvarez




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  • 1 month later...

Those are really wonderful pens. Thanks for the reviews and pictures.

Quan el centre del món no ets ben bé tu (per més que en tinguis la il·lusió),

si et desvetllaven enmig de la nit, no vulguis preguntar-te per què vius:

distreu-te rosegant l'ungla d'un dit. [I beg your pardon, Salvador Espriu]

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Here's another addition to my inventory..a demi sized Diamond Point Green Celluliod with a vintage music nib !









Edited by Apotheosis


"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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Great review and great handwriting, Leo!

I've recently purchased a Diamond Point (from Mauricio, great person!). I didn't know really much on these pens, but I'm really satisfied of this oversize fountain pen. I agree completely to Leo review, just want to add some pictures of mine (a woodgrain finish):


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S5tZmBPsnTI/AAAAAAAAHYA/J2aEPTGDR54/s400/di%2009.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S5tZZWuIunI/AAAAAAAAHXk/krtW64lSbJs/s400/di%2004.JPG


http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S4QPR8MM1XI/AAAAAAAAHSo/_faJvATtmkw/s400/Diamond%2013.JPG http://lh6.ggpht.com/_1v8Xv71Du3g/S4TQD19issI/AAAAAAAAHTM/UbDOBdUejQM/s400/24022010293.jpg


What absolutely stunning handwriting! Fabulous!



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