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Parker Vector Review


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I love these pens. I have 4 and each is filled with a Camel ink. Great writers on the sweetspot and they are nice in school for notes without the worry of them being taken.

A Proud 14 Year Old Fountain Pen User!

What I want:[/color]

Aurora Talentum

Pilot Custom 823 Amber Bought on 4.1.10

Lamy 2000

Omas Paragon

Sailor Realo

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The Vector is a good inexpensive workhorse pen. I've found that their nibs do tend to skip for a while when first put to use after being capped for a couple of weeks. The good thing is that it is easy to clean them out.


Cutechocobos, your first review is pretty good. With regard to photos, please keep in mind our image guidelines on sizing, within 800x800px in dimension and ~300Kb in size. Some of your images are approaching nearly double the limit.


Also, please keep in mind the idea of scanning your handwritten review page for a more visible appearance. Thanks.




[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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Brings back memories, my first fountain pen... purchased it for under 5usd back in the mid-80s while I was in middleschool. From what I recall, a very smooth writer; heads and shoulders above the ballpoints I was used too. I also recall the tragedy of breaking the body near the threads when I sat on that pen a few years later. In some ways I still miss it. Anyone know offhand if a converter will work in one? Might be worth the 10usd it would take to aquire one for that trip down memory lane.


Thanks for the review. A great starter pen, and many fond memories.

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A nice pen that brings back memories of school. My issues with it were to do with the metal grip section (too slippy after a while), and the delicate plastic barrel. Be careful when screwing in the barrel, a little too much pressure, and you'll see a little crack appear.


Otherwise, it's a really good writer, especially for the money. I think the only convertor you can use is Parker's pump convertor, but I wouldn't bother with it myself. Someone else may know if another convertor can fit.

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Parker slide will only fit due to the pens thin body. The piston can cause problems later on.

A Proud 14 Year Old Fountain Pen User!

What I want:[/color]

Aurora Talentum

Pilot Custom 823 Amber Bought on 4.1.10

Lamy 2000

Omas Paragon

Sailor Realo

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thanx for the review!


i have the SS with an awesomely smooth M nib.


i was surprised to read that yours is toothy (unless i read wrong)!!! mine writes 100 times better than my P25 and Inflection... even smoother than my Frontier.


i like it except for the metal section, as mentioned already.


thanx again for sharing.

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Eh, it was my very first pen that I used intensively (somewhere in high-school). I still have it, but nib is pretty much worn down.

Thanks for the review.

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Parker slide will only fit due to the pens thin body. The piston can cause problems later on.

This isn't entirely true. Parker made a new twist converter that is slimmer than its older, wider converter, and this fits nicely in the Vector. The slide piston is pretty worthless. Finding this slim Parker twist is a little tricky sometimes, but I got at least 5 or 6 from Fountain Pen Hospital.


Of course, carts fit.

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I use an aerometric-type converter that came with my Parker Place Vendome. Works perfectly in my Vector.





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I simply bought a 3-pack of the parkers quink washable blue cartridges ( vectors don't take standard international ones I think ) . When one was finished

I refilled it with my favourite FP ink with an old medical syringe ( after a water wash & dry ofcourse ) , bye bye piston-fill-adapters .B)

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