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Repairing/making of the "Rotring/Goossens Limited Edition Uber-Vac!"


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Rotring/Goossens Limited Edition Uber-Vac, revisited and refined!


This is the ongoing story of an ongoing project, now finished and realized, also my idea of "The Perfect Pen", stressing "my idea of". Everyone has some idea of what the perfect pen might be. Those ideas are nearly as vast and various as grains of sand on a beach. None are right or wrong, they're just different. Thank goodness so many pen variations exist, to meet the needs and desires of those in search of this "perfection".


For me the perfect pen was unknown for a very long time. I'm speaking of fountain pens, since for me they're the only pens I can right with comfortably, for extended periods of time. Having not so very long ago rediscovered fountain pens I really had no idea for the longest time what pen would really fit me. I've tried several, found for me the wider, longer, heavier pens were the best I'd used. An Old Style M800 was a near-to-perfect fit for me, I liked the length, the width, even the weight, yet it still wasn't "just right".


Not too long ago I was fortunate enough to have received an incredible pen, made of thick celluloid, nearly 6" capped, a posted length of 7" and over 1/2" in diameter, the size is beyond good for me. The problem was although it came to me as nearly NOS [New Old Stock] being 11 years old when received, having never been inked until I got it, the filling system was inoperable due to a plunger cup that lost all memory and wouldn't flex, so the pen would not fill. I'd posted a topic on the pen forum that I needed a source for new filling system parts, even tried contacting Rotring and Visconti since this pen was rumored to have been made by Rotring for Visconti when Rotring sold the company to [i believe it was] Sanford/Rubbermaid in 1998. No matter who I'd contacted, there were no parts available for the filling system and I'd begun to think I may have to just use it as an eye-dropper filler.


Not long after posting question for help in getting replacement filler parts, forum member "fountainbel" [Francis Goossens] replied with an idea for making a completely new system for filling, at least the parts that do the bulk of the work. He'd asked that I take precise measurements, then PM him with the findings, and that I did. Francis has designed and made filling systems for a company known as THE CONIDPEN in Belgium, beautiful pens too and very well designed fillers. The idea he had was to try making me a prototype he'd designed for a vac' Filler/Plunger Filler, scaling it down to fit the inner barrel of my pen and see if it works. I'm beyond pleased to report that it not only works, but probably works better than the OEM [Original Equipment Manufactured] filling system that this pen came with when it was originally manufactured!


Here's a Link to the original thread/topic, where I'd asked for help...



Now on to the new filling system, utilizing the original plunger rod and E-clip but an entirely new plunger head that makes the system work. Since the inner walls of my Rotring were much smaller in diameter than the original design, the unit for my pen needed to be downscaled quite a bit from Francis' original design for it to fit my pen. While the prototype plunger head did the job, the small and thin o-ring was rather fragile once the unit was downsized for my pen, the original o-ring splitting when passing the filling chaber into the inner barrel walls. Francis then opted to try downsizing a unit that's closer to those he'd designed and finally used in the CONID pen system, a conical shaped head with a heavier o-ring that's his real property/patent pending. For pen makers out there, please keep in mind that this is an owned idea and design, so please do not copy it.


Here's the original plunger cup and filling system, just as it came out of my pen...






Here's a shot of the first prototype that Francis made for me, the one that worked flawlessly yet that super thin o-ring seen middle of plunger head was just a bit too fragile to last...




Having heard of the o-ring frailty, in an e-mail reply from me, Francis wasted no time in making an even better system for me to try, one in the end I'm using right now.

Following are a few shots of the system that works, the "Goossens' sliding o-ring" plunger system, not only works but also does so above and beyond my wildest dreams.

The way this works, when the plunger rod is retracted, the large o-ring slides down the tapering cone, releasing tension from the inner barrel walls. On the plunger down-stroke, the sliding o-ring rides up the taper where it widens, creating pressure against the inner o-ring thus making it spread out and create a tight seal against the inner barrel. this creates a good vacuum behind the plunger head, then when the o-ring passes into the larger filling chamber ink passes around the o-ring/plunger head and is drawn up into the pen body..














Here I'd set up my camera on a tripod, set the self-timer since the shot was taken indoors under low lighting and a very slow shutter speed. Keep in mind that my cameras' self-timer takes a full 20 seconds before it fires the shutter. The test was to see if with the new vacuum filling system, if the pen would stick and stay on my fingertip when depressing the plunger one full stroke. If it did stick, then there's certain to be enough vacuum to pull ink into the chamber for a fill. As many already know, a fingertip isn't the best surface for such a test, since fingerprints and natural body oils weren't going to make for a great seal. Not only did the pen stick to my fingertip from the vacuum created, it did so for far longer than the 20 seconds needed to capture this shot. In fact, I watched the clock ticking away for more than a full minute, with the pen barrel still sticking to my fingertip, much longer than the time needed to capture this picture!


Now THIS is vacuum!!!...





So there you have it, not only the perfect pen for me but now the perfect filling system to go with it! Had I been able to find and replace the original parts, I'm certain they'd never worked as well as this new system, thanks to the enginnering and manufacturing talents of Sir Francis Goossens. The man is so humble that when I'd mentioned what a great job he did on this project, he'd replied with "I never could have done it without your great measurements." While in part that may be true, I see it more as it never could have been done without his "brain-child" plunger head design, along with his skills at machining!


My hat goes off to one of the most talented pen designers of this century, and probably of all time, Francis Goossens. To Francis I say "Many thanks, my friend!", as I now have "The Perfect Pen" for me and I couldn't have ever realized it fully without your help! Not only does it fill to the normal capacity of most plunger fill pens, or @ 75%-80% capacity, it actually fills even more than this @ a whopping 90%+! I couldn't have asked for a better pen, nor a better filler, than the NOS Rotring 1928 ca. 1998/Goossens ca. 2009 Limited Edition fountain pen! Now it's not only "limited", one of only 1,928 pens ever made [only 900 ever released to the U.S. distributors], it's now also truly "One-of-a-Kind!"


If anyone out there is wondering where to get their pens serviced, new or vintage, there are many excellent pen restorers that can do extremely fine work. Fountainbel is one of those people, as far as I'm concerned a Master of the Trade in many ways. While he's in a totally different country from where I am, he not only does incredible work but his turn-around time was extraordinarily FAST. I'm in Florida and he's in Belgium, yet I got the parts for my pen in just a few days time, from the time he'd let me know they were shipped. If any of you live in the U.S., or just far away from Belgium, had any reservations about shipping pens out of the country to someone such as Mr. Goossens, put your concerns to rest. The product I'd received was not only beyond top-notch, the transit times took only a few days to travel thousands of miles across land and sea to reach my mailbox. I'm beyond impressed!


Many thanks again and my greatest admiration to pen restorer/designer extraordinaire, FPN member "fountainbel" [Francis Goossens], without whom this pen would most likely be just an eye-dropper filler, not the amazing Vacuum-Filler it is now.

“I view my fountain pens & inks as an artist might view their brushes and paints.

They flow across paper as a brush to canvas, transforming my thoughts into words and my words into art.

There is nothing else like it; the art of writing and the painting of words!”

~Inka~ [scott]; 5 October, 2009

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What a great story :thumbup:

Glad you have now got your 'grail'. I would love to see some more pics of the full pen. Looks like a nice one :puddle:


I have not had any contact with Fountainbel but I have looked with wonder at some of his work on the pen turning forum. Sounds like a man who knows his stuff, and if he is a nice bloke too then he must truly deserve the epithet of 'A gentleman and a scholar'. :clap1:

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Hi Scott,

Glad to hear the system works as expected, the result of real "intercontinental" teamwork !

Thanks a lot for the complements, although I'm surely not such an exceptional designer, there are other members of the board which are at least as good on technical issues.

Wish you lots of writing pleasure with your upgraded pen !


Edited by fountainbel
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Thanks everyone!

You're welcome Francis, and while I made certain to mention the other great pen restorers and such I also wanted to make sure others knew just how good you are too.

The others are good, no doubt in my mind, and while many of us see the wondrous things you design and make I rarely see mention of the repairs you do as well as those.

That's why I'd felt it important to give credit where credit is due, and let others here know you're not only designing and making cool stuff but are also doing repairs to vintage and newer pens when called upon to do so.

I couldn't be happier with the outcome on this project, as already stated, looking forward to shipping off some vintage pens to you ASAP and get those rusted through plunger rods replaced.


@ drunken spider;

did by chance you click on the Link to my original topic?

I did have more pictures of this pen there, including some macros of the nib, the extra nib, the box, writing samples and so forth.

Click here for the Link, in case you'd somehow overlooked it.

Things in my life have been rather insane of late, or I'd take new pictures and post same, I just have a plate that's overflowing with more urgent needs right now or I'd be happy to provide new shots.

Maybe later, once my lifes' complications get ironed out, I'll take time for some new and updated photography, sincerest thanks for your interest.

“I view my fountain pens & inks as an artist might view their brushes and paints.

They flow across paper as a brush to canvas, transforming my thoughts into words and my words into art.

There is nothing else like it; the art of writing and the painting of words!”

~Inka~ [scott]; 5 October, 2009

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@ drunken spider;

did by chance you click on the Link to my original topic?

I did have more pictures of this pen there, including some macros of the nib, the extra nib, the box, writing samples and so forth.

Click here for the Link, in case you'd somehow overlooked it.

Things in my life have been rather insane of late, or I'd take new pictures and post same, I just have a plate that's overflowing with more urgent needs right now or I'd be happy to provide new shots.

Maybe later, once my lifes' complications get ironed out, I'll take time for some new and updated photography, sincerest thanks for your interest.


Thanks very much :thumbup:

I had missed it first time, but I'm not so stupid I need three invites :ltcapd:

What a lovely pen, and the drawing with the stylus type nib is ace.

I think I might have to keep my eyes peeled :unsure: :drool:




Edit to add Ok, just found one on Ebay, and I think I might need to save up for a while :yikes:


Anyone want a kidney?

Edited by drunken spider
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Congratualtions Scott to you and Francis for a great job on a beautiful pen!


Bruce in Ocala, FL

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Thanks very much :thumbup:

I had missed it first time, but I'm not so stupid I need three invites :ltcapd:

What a lovely pen, and the drawing with the stylus type nib is ace.

I think I might have to keep my eyes peeled :unsure: :drool:


Edit to add Ok, just found one on Ebay, and I think I might need to save up for a while :yikes:


Anyone want a kidney?


Never meant to imply a lack of intelligence, no offense intended.

I often overlook things, so much information to take in on forums I usually just skim through [speed-read] quickly trying to take stuff in.

I was more thinking if you're like me it might help to offer up another Link, as I'm often overlooking stuff in long threads and sometimes need to be pointed in the right direction.


Yeah man, I had no idea what this pen was worth until weeks after getting it as a gift, was just happy to get a large pen and didn't look the "Gift horse in the mouth".

I was shocked to see what they'd sold for new back in 1998, would like to someday get a Medium nib for it instead of this Fine but chances of that are probably slim-to-none or beyond my ability to pay.

It's too bad that any remaining Rotring '28 LEs still on the marketplace are just as likely to have the same filling problems with the original plunger.

You might want to look at the Visconti Power-Filler pens, basically the same filling system as this Rotring and more of them out there so it's more likely there's a few in the realm of being reasonably priced.

Or should you sell a kidney and get one of these, be sure to keep in mind that Mr. Goossens can get it filling again, far better than the OEM stuff.


@ Bruce, yeah buddy, one sweet system now that it's actually working and filling.

I had my sites set on getting a Pelikan M1000 someday, my old M800 just barely big enough to feel comfortable writing with for long periods.

Now that I got this working there's no need for anything else in my little world, just too bad there aren't nibs readily available for it like the M1000s but the Fine it has writes like a dream and has just enough flex to make it variable.

The Stylographic nib it also came with is fun to use too, a bit of an odd-ball as it rattles when shaken and I don't see a wire in the hole as with others I've seen, but since it writes like a stiff Medium with no line variation I already have two working nibs of various size if I look at it that way.

“I view my fountain pens & inks as an artist might view their brushes and paints.

They flow across paper as a brush to canvas, transforming my thoughts into words and my words into art.

There is nothing else like it; the art of writing and the painting of words!”

~Inka~ [scott]; 5 October, 2009

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Never meant to imply a lack of intelligence, no offense intended.


Absolutely none taken whatsoever. :thumbup:


Think we had a lost in translation moment :roflmho:


All the best.

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  • 3 years later...

Inka, did you ever hear back from Visconti regarding the replacement part for the filling system? I'm intrigued, because I have one of these pens and I'm eager to get it working again (suffering same problem with the filling system). :wacko:


Even still, I have to wonder if the Visconti would be an OEM replacement part that matches the original, which of course fails after a few uses.


I'll try contacting Francis to see if he might be able to provide me with the same part he made for you.

Edited by MYU

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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Inka, did you ever hear back from Visconti regarding the replacement part for the filling system? I'm intrigued, because I have one of these pens and I'm eager to get it working again (suffering same problem with the filling system). :wacko:



Visconti claims they made this pen using the design provided by Rotring, they don't have any parts left.

But even if they would have the parts, i expect he system would fail again after a short time.

I've posted on a further improvement i made to this pen, and I've successfully repaired 4 of these pens using this approach.

See: http://www.fountainp..._1#entry2112486

Below a sketches showing the original barrel and the barrel with the changes I've made


Regards, Francis


Edited by fountainbel
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