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Visconti Black


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Visconti Black




Although this is yet another pale black ink, or a very dark grey, it does distinguish itself in one arena: drying time. It dried so quickly that the second of the three squares (colored and blotted) is almost identical to the third (colored and allowed to dry). Only the tiniest bit of ink came away on the blotting paper. I had to repeat the smear test, because the first attempt was completely dry by the time I ran my thumb across it, and I had to question whether I'd waited more than three seconds. I do time these things, but there's always a brief delay between seeing the third second tick over and touching the page. The second of the three-second tests is thus more like two and a half seconds. Even so, it only smeared because there was a slightly darker spot at the end of the "3." The ink flows well so far (though I haven't written more than about half a page with it), and doesn't creep, nor is there any bleed-through.


The Verdict: If this were a true black ink, it would be near the top of the list, but unfortunately Visconti Black is really a dark grey. I can recommend it for students, though, or anyone who needs a fast-drying ink and is willing to sacrifice depth of color. I won't call this a great ink, but it's the fastest-drying ink I've used so far, so it does distinguish itself from the pack.


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  • 1 month later...

thanx for the review djehuty! i'm liking the looks of this ink a lot. i read JJBlanch review on it, as well and the only question i have is: do you see any tinge of green in this ink?

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I didn't notice any green in it at all. The sample I played with was, to my eyes, absolutely neutral, neither warm nor cool in tone. No greens, blues, reds, or browns could I see. It's just a tad too grey for my taste, though, so I haven't used any since I used up that sample.


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thanx for the quick reply. off to buy this ink in the morning. i wonder if they have it at FLAX in san francisco???

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Yes I like this ink for its well-behaved nature and wish it were a bit darker. I got my sample of Visconti Black when I bought a Visconti Van Gogh and really like how it performs in the pen.

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Yes I like this ink for its well-behaved nature and wish it were a bit darker.


i like the fact that is not dark!!

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Yes I like this ink for its well-behaved nature and wish it were a bit darker.


i like the fact that is not dark!!



You know, this is one color where the extremes are what I prefer: either a dark, dark black or one that is lighter, especially if the pen is a wet one. I generally would prefer dark but sometimes, my M nib makes a very wet signature and if I write too fast, it can look more of a blob. That is when I wish it was not dark.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been using this ink for a couple of weeks, and really like it. The color values seem identical to OMAS black. The one major difference from the Omas is that the Visconti is a much "drier" ink, i.e., less lubricating. I have it in an Aurora Talentum now, which had been using Aurora's black. The Visconti is much more controlled, less fluid/feathery, than the Aurora. So I guess the pen it's in could make a big difference in how someone feels about it.


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