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My Inks


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I laid out my inks on my desk to take photos for a couple of fellow FP bloggers. I thought I would share. :)


3 different angles - 163 inks...







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Deleted sorry

Edited by MKeith

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" Patrick Henry

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Just a couple of Noodler's there looks like......


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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Stunning! The only thing I could add would be pretty snide.... how do you get to misuse your keyboard?


Miker glare.gif

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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So what papers do you test the inks with using your basic 8 nibs of various flexes and widths.


I'm coming up on ink 50...not counting dip pen inks....don't have my required 100 Euro inks yet....could be I'll break off and start chasing English inks at 75.


I do have two of the three required Noodler inks. :unsure:

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Wow. It'd take me forever to rotate through those inks. Thanks for letting us in.


It varies for me. I tend to get through the 'safe' inks in my collection quicker as there is less of them compared to pens that I deem them suitable for. At the other end of the scale my Baystate Blue (my most dangerous ink) hasn't seen a pen since the 8th March 2012 - It is just getting back to the top of the list now.


To prolong the life of my inks I place them in my old wine cabinet during the summer so that they have a constant 18 degree C temperature.

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So what papers do you test the inks with using your basic 8 nibs of various flexes and widths.


I'm coming up on ink 50...not counting dip pen inks....don't have my required 100 Euro inks yet....could be I'll break off and start chasing English inks at 75.


I do have two of the three required Noodler inks. :unsure:


I use Rhodia or Clairefontaine almost exclusively. I do have some Crane & Co and other fancy letter paper stock as well.


I am focusing on the Diamine inks this year and but have added new Montblanc and new Noodler's if the label art appeals to me.

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Lovely set of Soundsticks you have there!
























I have the clear Mac that was a match to them somewhere in storage.

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Lovely set of Soundsticks you have there!

























Perhaps, Harman Kardon or JBL.


Justdaveyb, please tell the name/color of your top ten


Edited by SUNIL GARG
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Wow! Not even my fantasy ink collection compares to this!

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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This is why this site is so dangerous when it comes to feeding ink addictions. Any time I feel like I have too many I just think "Welllllll I'm not as bad as some people on FPN so I might as well just buy another bottle" ;)

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wow ... you better get writing!

Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoethes.

Many are possessed by the incurable urge to write.


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:notworthy1: :notworthy1:



Edited to add.....it strikes me funny that there is just one pen on the desk!

Edited by Pentulant

pentulant [adjective]: immodest or wanton in search of all things related to pens<BR> [proper noun]: Christine Witt Visit Pentulant<br>

President, Brush Dance - we make high-quality, mindful Calendars, Planners, Journals, and other fun stuff you'll love

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that there is at least 5 lifetime's worth of inks. you could paint the entire room with ink and still have some left over methinks

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Wow. My husband thinks I have too many ink bottles already.... And I've just added a couple colors to my "wish list" to sample the next time I'm ordering inks and pens.

Did you try samples of these first, or just bite the bullet and order 'em all as full bottles? I know I have a higher number of ink vials than actual bottles, and with a few exceptions (Pharmacist's iron gall inks the vintage Quink Brown, a couple of Noodler's highlighter inks, and the freebie bottle of Platinum Mix-Free Flame Red I got when I ordered my first Konrad last year) always sampled first.

And how many of these are duplicate bottles, or are they all different?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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:notworthy1: :notworthy1:



Edited to add.....it strikes me funny that there is just one pen on the desk!


I had to clear the pens off to make room for the inks :) The poor lonely pen is a rollerball that can't make use of all those inks.

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