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Waterman Preface

Biohazard Hugh

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I have just recently unearthed a Waterman Preface from my pen container, only to find it has received a deep scratch and another cut that kind of looks like the Bic icon! It is a black lacquer so I was wondering what would be the best and easier way to fix this? Some black nail polish stolen from my girlfriend? A dab of black paint? Any Ideas? Ill try to get some pictures up later, to show the scratch and the mysterious Bic symbol on my pen. The funny thing is too now that I look back at the pen container it is filled with Bic's. Coincidence?

An Automatic Watch, A Straight Razor, A Fountain Pen, A One True Love. What more could a man want?

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I took some pictures.








Here is the scratch




Heres the other scratch that looks kind of like the Bic guy.




Using highly technical imaging programs haha, here is an outline of the Bic guy.




Too my shock there he is. It is obvious jealousy that caused the Bics to beat up the fountain pen.

Edited by Biohazard Hugh

An Automatic Watch, A Straight Razor, A Fountain Pen, A One True Love. What more could a man want?

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Hugh! Thanks so much for the pix! You solved my dilemma. I have a silverplated Waterman fp, and didn't know what it was. Now I am sure it is a Preface. Could you please tell me what the emblem on the end of the cap looks like - that would probably be the clue I need.



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I'll do you one better tuxedobay, heres a picture excuse my fingers.




It's the standard Waterman symbol. This took a lot of research to find this out, It looked so close to the Waterman Gentleman I was sure it was part of the Man line. After another hour or so of looking I stumbled onto an auction of one these on ebay, but it was a pencil. I googled the name and found out it was the right pen and read some reviews to make sure it had the same characteristics. It did, have to hold it at a certain angle or it won't write, but when it does is smooth, well at least from my extremely limited experience. I hope this helps... I can take more pictures if need be just let me know.



An Automatic Watch, A Straight Razor, A Fountain Pen, A One True Love. What more could a man want?

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Does anyone know how I would go about fixing the scratches? It just bugs me to know I let such a nice pen get messed up because I was to ignorant two years ago to appreciate it. Hopefully it is something simple I could do and finish off with a nice polishing of MAAS. Anyone?



An Automatic Watch, A Straight Razor, A Fountain Pen, A One True Love. What more could a man want?

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I sorry I can't offer a fix, but I hope one comes up. I also have a black lacquered pen that needs to be touched up, and the things I've tried so far (a couple of brands of nail polish and Plastikote automotive touch-up paint) haven't worked.


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