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Pelikan 100 Nib Change


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I have the nib unit screwed off the section. I want to replace the B nib with this EF nib I have. Does the nib and feed pull out? How should I go about pulling the old nib? Thanks!




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The collar with the threads slip around the nib and feed resulting in a friction fit. These ebonite feeds can be very fragile. Technically, you would knock the collar off, reset the new nib, and then replace the collar. If this is your first attempt with these, I would strongly suggest having an expert perform this on these older nibs as there is high risk for damaging the feed.

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I knocked it out carefully with rubber tools. This old nib looks like it's been set for 75 years!


Edited by Brotzmann



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I knocked it out carefully with rubber tools.

Could you explain how you did it? And also the rubber tools bit..
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For working on nibs, I use a Starrett 5/32" punch, a drill hole gage and a hammer from a watch repair kit to disassemble them. I put the drill gage between two thick books, carefully select the correct hole, and very, very gently use the punch and hammer to drive out the feed.


Vintage nibs from Pelikan 100/400/120 etc. are very easy to take apart and realign/reassemble. The feed and collars of these nibs are made of ebonite, and that material is very flexible and easy to work with. The modern nibs use thermoplastic feeds and collars; the collar also has a stainless steel band around it, as the thermoplastic is far less flexible and would probably crack without it.


The modern Mxxx nibs are easy to take apart, but hard to reassemble, as the friction fit requires far more force to put the collar back in place than vintage nibs. Just beware that if you don't have much finger strength, you'll have a hard time getting an Mxxx nib back together. I've put M400 nibs back together with only finger pressure, but larger nibs require a lot of finger strength.


If you don't have a good reason to take a nib apart, don't do it.

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I padded the knock out block hole to protect the collar of the pen. I slowly and gently tapped it out with a small rubber mallet. I just made sure to go slow and not rush it. I find that if I'm patient and don't try and rush the disassembly it comes apart eventually.

It actually took about a week of soaking on and off to loosen up the nib unit to unscrew it. It went back together easily. I like having the EF nib with a bit of flex. The broad nib is nice, I just wanted a fine nib that doesn't use lots of ink. That broad nib lays down quite a bit of ink. I'm also learning Kanji and the EF and F nibs are superior when writing small characters with many strokes.

Edited by Brotzmann



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Thank you! I've been planning to change a flexy fine nib on my 100N for a broad one, but up to now I've been too chicken to do it....

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