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Lamy Safari Ef Vs Twsbi 580 Ef Nibs


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Hi, everyone! I'm pretty new to fountain pens (I just started getting into them around November last year) so I don't know much about them. Recently my mom gave me a TWSBI 580 with an EF nib as a gift. I tried it a couple of days ago and for some reason the lines look a bit thick to me--definitely thicker than my Lamy Safari EF nib, and infinitely thicker than a Pilot 78G F. Being a Japanese brand, I understand that it's possible for the 78G to have a thinner line, but I'm not sure if the TWSBI EF nib is supposed to produce a thicker line than the Lamy Safari EF.


Can anyone with the two abovementioned pens (and the respective EF nibs) post a picture with written samples using those two pens? Or if not, can anyone please reply with their experience on both nibs and compare the two? I don't have the pens with me at the moment, but I will post a picture tomorrow perhaps.


Thank you very much! I didn't know where else to ask and figured I should make this my first post here. Thanks again!

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Hi, I happen to have both pens and both with EF nibs.

Here is the writing sample of both pens:


I found that TWSBI Diamond 580 writes finer than Lamy Safari. However, if you press the nibs harder, you'll find that 580's nib is more flexible than Lamy.

Which means that if you write harder, 580 may write broader than Lamy.

I hope the answer is helpful for you.



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I've seen a bit of variation with line widths on TWSBI's so there's always a chance that you got a slightly wider line. That said, the last time this happened to me (the wow, that's a wide line feeling) was when I got my Faber-Castell eMotion fine and the line looked huge! It turned out to be a matter of the paper I was testing it on and as soon as I wrote side by size on the same paper as my TWSBI fine and Sheaffer fine the lines were almost identical.

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