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Show Us Your Solid Gold Pens

Penne Stilografiche

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Please post pictures of your solid gold pens, I'll start.


Waterman 552 1/2 (9 ct. gold)






Edited by Penne Stilografiche

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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Edited by Penne Stilografiche

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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Currently, I only have pictures of these...







Edited by christof
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Wow Christof, beautiful pens! If you ever get bored of that 61, just send me a pm ;) , as for now, here's mine...


9ct. Solid Gold Parker 61, barleycorn pattern.



Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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Great pen!!


I once had a very similar one in 18ct.




...unfortunately I sold it to finance another purchase.



Wow, very nice pen. I also had another one that I let go to buy something else...


Parker 61 14k Gold Presidential Desk Pen









Edited by Penne Stilografiche

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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I purchased it a couple of years ago. It's a lovely writer. It's an eyedropper. A Waterman from ca. 1910, I think. Only the barrel is marked 18kt. The cap is probably gold-filled. The nib is 14k marked Waterman Ideal.

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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I just have these Sheaffers that are too new to be vintage and too old to be modern.




Bill Sexauer
PCA Member since 2006

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I just have these Sheaffers that are too new to be vintage and too old to be modern.




Wow, very nice! I never knew Sheaffer made a solid gold Targa.

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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Sir Ebaysalot,

Sheaffer made 10 each of the fountain pen and ballpoint of the Targa Masterpiece set that I showed. There are unconfirmed rumors that a few more were made. There was also a Targa Masterpiece set in a straight line pattern that was also limited to 10 pieces each of the fountain pen and ballpoint. I have never seen that one nor have I ever seen a listing for a sale of that one.


Both the Targa and the Imperial fountain pens are great writers as well as being good looking. I was fortunate in that both pens had been obviously used when I first got them so I didn't have to agonize over whether to ink and use them.

Bill Sexauer
PCA Member since 2006

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Pictured is my beloved Montblanc 149 in two tone yellow & white 18ct gold



A wise man once said    " the best revenge is wealth "   but a wiser man answered back    " the best revenge is happiness "


The true definition of madness - Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results......

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This thread is fantastic :thumbup:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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I just have these Sheaffers that are too new to be vintage and too old to be modern.





Very nice pens, congrats and thanks for sharing! :thumbup:

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Pictured is my beloved Montblanc 149 in two tone yellow & white 18ct gold




Those Sheaffers above are lovely, but this MB is SMASHING!!! :notworthy1:

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Pictured is my beloved Montblanc 149 in two tone yellow & white 18ct gold



I think that is the nicest 149 I have ever seen, thanks for sharing!

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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I let these 2 go a couple months ago to fund the purchase of a couple vintage Montblanc's.(and some inks ;) )


Solid 14k Gold Waterman 552 1/2 v Pen and Pencil Set













edited to add pictures.

Edited by Penne Stilografiche

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.


—Oscar Wilde

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Sweet pens. I am not as high class as you all, but here is what I picked up on the

bay this summer.

Parker "75" Tiffany Grid in 14K gold ballpen
Parker "75" Tiffany Grid in 14K gold mechanical pencil



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