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Finished It, At Last!


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Dear friends,


Along with fountain pens, I find great pleasure in painting.


Last time I was in California (back in 2005) I bought a statue of the Celtic nature goddess Danu, created by sculpture Maxine Miller. For years I had it on the table, admiring it, but about two years ago I decided that it would be better to paint it. So, I got my brushes and paints and started to work on the statue. It took me all this time but I finished it, at last. I hope you find the result satisfactory. For sure, it was a pleasure working with this statue.


The statue before:




The statue after:




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Wow. You did a great job--and what fun that must have been. Thanks for sharing.


best wishes,


Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. --Albert Einstein

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Very nice! I love the way her eyes went from sleepy (it seems to me, in the original) to alert and perhaps even commanding. And nice shading on her dress.

I am no longer very active on FPN but feel free to message me. Or send me a postal letter!

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Thank you all for the good words, folks, I really appreciate it! It is really satisfying to create something that both yourself and others can appreciate. :cloud9: :blush:

Cybaea, yeah, isn't that amazing, what a little paint can do? I also thought that she looked sleepy before. I am glad I managed to wake her up, finally! :lol:


xwingrox, its funny that you said that, about me not selling it ever! As soon as I finished the statue, I posted the same two photos on Facebook, so my other friends can see (I do not befriend people I do not know). In zero time, I get three messages from people I do not know and I am not befriended to on FB, offering money to buy it. I politely explained that this statue is not for sale at any price, that its just my hobby, but they all insisted, to the point they became annoying. And I told each one "Why don't YOU get a statue of your own and YOU paint it with the colors you like?" ... They never wrote back, thank god!


Its amazing that some people think that everything has its price...

Edited by Korybas
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