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Waterman 45 Bchr Safety Pen


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22816237519_38c141815a_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_01 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22557160863_0d374f9bb2_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_02 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22816255799_a302c6f9b3_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_03 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22888439110_d8f5c41a9c_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_04 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



23184224185_754cc685b1_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_05 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22816271379_37d78f3166_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_06 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22888457820_8a277f1276_o.jpgWaterman45_picture_07 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



23158157436_141d9c9650_o.jpgWaterman45_review_01 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



Penkino1 Waterman 45 safety pen review



23184276915_8974d47877_o.jpgWaterman45_review_02 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22557248963_78f09be1d6_o.jpgWaterman45_review_03 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22816346689_c3d233f9cb_o.jpgWaterman45_review_04 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22557270093_181a6f54e5_o.jpgWaterman45_review_04_5 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



23158255496_3eb880dc3f_o.jpgWaterman45_review_05 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



23184374175_3bce7d2b08_o.jpgWaterman45_review_06 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



22790192287_77a4f0d374_o.jpgWaterman45_review_07 by Ptero Pterodactylus, auf Flickr



(Waterman 45 BCHR Safety Pen - broad italic flex ..... P.W. Akkerman Oranje Boven)

(Pelikan 400 NN brown Tortoise - F ..... Sailor Gentle Sky High)

(Macniven & Cameron Waverly Eyedropper - flex ..... P.W. Akkerman Hofkwartier Groen)

(Pelikan 140 - OF ..... Mont Blanc Oyster Grey)

Edited by Pterodactylus
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Interesting pen.


More importantly, I appreciate the demonstration of your penmanship.

Without your permission, I intend to usurp some of the characters

into my style of writing, which I call "Modified Public School




Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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Thanks for your kind words, but it's only the pen which causes my writing to look somehow ok. :vbg:

(I'm a lefty which was forced in the 70s to write with the right hand, so my writing was and will ever be ugly)

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That's far beyond OK. It's a great pen too.

Just one detail, the code number 45 means it was made in or after 1917, before that it would have been a 15S.

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That's far beyond OK. It's a great pen too.

Just one detail, the code number 45 means it was made in or after 1917, before that it would have been a 15S.


Thanks :-)


Thanks for the info.

I was not able to find a serious source for this information.

Is there a online site where such Waterman production information is available?


When I bought it the seller claimed it is from the early 1900s, probably because of the barrel imprint.

Penkino1 mention 1909 in his video.


I'm shocked, if this is true it isn't a full century old :headsmack:

I probably have to rewrite my review. :gaah:

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Wonderful review, thanks.

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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I'd usually skip handwritten reviews, but your writting is great, easy to read. What a good condition the pen is in !Great pictures too thumbup.gif

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Edited by Pterodactylus
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That's far beyond OK. It's a great pen too.

Just one detail, the code number 45 means it was made in or after 1917, before that it would have been a 15S.


Thanks :-)


Thanks for the info.

I was not able to find a serious source for this information.

Is there a online site where such Waterman production information is available?


When I bought it the seller claimed it is from the early 1900s, probably because of the barrel imprint.

Penkino1 mention 1909 in his video.


I'm shocked, if this is true it isn't a full century old :headsmack:

I probably have to rewrite my review. :gaah:


Richard binder http://www.richardspens.com/ref/design/wat_nos.htm has in his reference pages a chart of the serial numbers and meanings. He shows the numbering system changed about 1917 as stated above so before a 45 was a desk pen size 5 nib.

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WOW! Both the content and shape of your writingrender true justice to such gorgeus pen. Think that just as this instrument trascended the minds that created it and the hands that materialised it, your writing will trascend your very existence. Glad that the world will have memory of your passage.

Fancy a postcard? PM me or add yourself to my Postable!



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http://imageshack.us/a/img7/4898/ef6k.jpg Edited by Pterodactylus
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Great review, that's a very elegant looking pen, what I would call a good example of timeless design.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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looks like the pen is in a real good condition.

cant even see a single scratch.

indeed a beautiful pen.

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