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Snail Mail Writing List


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This thread is a place where FPN people can post their name if they would like to receive letters from other people here at the site.







Lets give this a try then see what happens.





Kurt H/ tytyvyllus

Always looking for letters


My Pen collection started as most did with an Esterbrook. I remember picking it up silver and black, thinking five dollars is a lot for a pen but it sure is neat. Took home and found that it worked, which was great, then the search for ink. Found some Quink blue-black and began writing letters with that fountain pen. Occasionally over the next few years visited flea markets and saw some pens but never as nice, did find another nib and the address of the company in a box (didn’t know they had stopped producing). Too much school and too much work pushed the pen to the back of the drawer. Then my father in law passed, I was given a Parker 51 box full of old pens found a red Balance that was given to him before the war. Thought it might be repaired so I went to the net to find a repairer. Found so much more, saw pens that were still being produced that became objects of desire, I wanted more pens. Pelikan, Parker, OMAS, Dupont and Rotring, Bexley , Stipula , Krone. I lurked and I listened to several net boards to what people were using and what they preferred, found eBay and really started to buy. Looked for pen stores in cities I was visiting. And I bought more until two score pens I owned and admired. I went through a downsizing of my collection and have ended up with 12 pens that might be inked up at any time and another 3 that are sentimental. My preference for nibs has been fine but slowly I have tried to get more variation in my writing. I live outside of New Orleans and am a officer of one of the Mardi Gras Carnival Krewes. To pay for my pens I work for an polymer company that produces what could be best described as transparent aluminum.

Edited by Tytyvyllus
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I'm looking for letters too.


A little pen related bio can be found in the "Welcome" section.

Edited by Sidney

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." - Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President

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I love getting snail-mail but do have to say that because of my current schedule I don't have nearly enough time to write replies as I would like.


I am hoping that this situation will be changing a little very soon.

Please visit http://members.shaw.ca/feynn/

Please direct repair inquiries to capitalpen@shaw.ca

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Count me in, but similar situation to Keith with a capital K. Things will clear up end of this month some.


Be warned - I'm kinda new at this, so . . .

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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Speaking of snail mail, just curious...


are there any 'good' Internet sources? I am a very ecclectic sort of person and have always had problems finding the right match. As a youth, I used pen pal services all the time, and having the right match didn't seem so important then. When I got online some years back, one of my first exploration projects was finding some ink sparring partners. I looked hard. Most of the penpal type pages were for teens. I did find some specialty groups and actually found a person who was a good writing partner for over a year. Unfortunately, it was email writing.


Many of the lists I scoured were mostly non-descript listings with little information. When I meet someone in person, we usually have some sort of common link and, as I said, I'm so ecclectic in my interests, that just writing about the weather or what I want for Christmas doesn't satisfy me at all.


Are there any solid snail-mail-connection sites online?

Edited by Fulcanelli
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Speaking of snail mail, just curious...


are there any 'good' Internet sources? I am a very ecclectic sort of person and have always had problems finding the right match. As a youth, I used pen pal services all the time, and having the right match didn't seem so important then. When I got online some years back, one of my first exploration projects was finding some ink sparring partners. I looked hard. Most of the penpal type pages were for teens. I did find some specialty groups and actually found a person who was a good writing partner for over a year. Unfortunately, it was email writing.


Many of the lists I scoured were mostly non-descript listings with little information. When I meet someone in person, we usually have some sort of common link and, as I said, I'm so ecclectic in my interests, that just writing about the weather or what I want for Christmas doesn't satisfy me at all.


Are there any solid snail-mail-connection sites online?

That's what I am trying to do here with the basis as interest in fountaion pens. A little biographical paragraph would be a nice addition so that people could decide whether to write.



I have one on another site and will bring it over as soon as I can..



Kurt H

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That's what I am trying to do here with the basis as interest in fountaion pens.

I did understand that was your purpose and I certainly do not mean to be disrespectful in any way. I'm not sure that even if I was going to write to someone, I'd care to write about fountain pens. As I said a few times, I'm a bit on the eccentric side of things. Since I already interact with so many of these people here at this wonderful forum, I might be interested in drawing from a different pool.


Again, I really do not mean to be disrespectful of your efforts here.

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I'm in, but I can probably only handle "low bandwidth" with my work schedule. Always looking for a reason to use the pens (and stationary :P)

Kendall Justiniano
Who is John Galt?

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I'm usually good for at least a quick note, though, to be fair, it should be noted (as KCat can attest) that my handwriting is peculiar, eccentric, and legibilitily-challenged. Oh, and I'm mostly a blue-ink kind of guy, so...


I'm also really boring; I spend most of my time doing nerdish things with computers, and an inordinate amount of time either getting into trouble or taking strange photographs of strange places.


You've been warned. :D

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Little bio paragraph:


I live in Brooklyn, and work in Manhattan, and have lived in NYC all my life; what I'm likely to write about are snippets of life in the city, musings over singing and performance, from all sides (performing, watching, tech prep), with the occasional wanders into goofiness, and profundity.


Oh, and the occasional rants -- which rise and subside quickly. I Have Opinions.

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Count me in too! My brief bio is under my user description!


We got the pens, now let's ink up and do what we love to do best!



Edited by AngeloB
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  • 2 weeks later...

Meant to add my name here a while ago and forgot... :rolleyes:


I'd be happy to send / receive some mail that is NOT bills! :D


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I'm interested in penpalling as well. Just a brief intro. I'm Carrie, I'm 30 and from England. I started penpalling about 12 years ago and moved over to using fountain pens to write my letters about 4 years ago. My letters are written with various Conway Stewarts with the odd Parker thrown in for good measure if I feel like writing with something a bit different. Other interests include museums, archaeology, history, walking, reading (if I ever find the time), photography (I finally went digital last year with a Nikon D70 which I absolutely love), what else, I guess I could say that I spend far too much time going round the country watching different types of motorsport.


Fulcanelli, not sure ifI'm allowed to post links on here, but to answer your question, there are various snailmail websites. Send me a PM if you want any links to any that I've found to be useful.

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Hi Carrie,

not sure ifI'm allowed to post links on here, but to answer your question, there are various snailmail websites. Send me a PM if you want any links to any that I've found to be useful.

Of course you are! Anything pen-related goes somewhere on this Forum, and anything non-pen related or not directly so, in Chatter :D. So please, do share! :D


BTW, there is a pinned thread somewhere, for interesting links, but I don't seem to find it right now. I'll edit this post when I do :D.


Warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Sign me up ~ for the low bandwidth version as well :P


I've been at this for 5-6 years, I believe it was the Serenite or the Dolce Vita that got me into all this.


A little about me: turning 30, Toronto, freelancing project manager. I currently have a flickr account with various photos where anyone can piece together things I enjoy.


My flickr album

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK here goes. ;)


Short bio, hm, well, I've been working in the mental health field for the past 27 years, most recently specializing in alcohol and drug treatment. I work in a small public hospital on a unit with adult patients. Used to work with adolescents, but realized I was getting crazier than them and shifted out.


I have frequent and rapid shifts of interest, but currently they are: cigars, pipes and tobacco, a return to photography, an intellectual interest in gardening, cooking, reading (fiction, bios and non-fictrion not so much), (aside: Ian McEwan is the most amazing author I've come across in a long time!), and, of course, pens.


Started with a Waterman 52 I found at an antique mall, have now scoured all the readily available antique shops and have decided that fountain pens were never very popular in Utah, or they've all been collected! I've decided that currently I'm an accumulator, not a collector. :eureka:


Now perhaps I'll get to explore stationery...... :meow:

Edited by Psyktek

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little impact on society." Mark Twain

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