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New Lamy 2000 Awaited?


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Recently, I saw THIS in a pen magazin. Looks like a new release of the famous Lamy 2000 for me. Does anybody know?


...needless to say that I will need one :)


Edited by christof
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As per the caption in the photo, this model will be introduced in July this year. The nib choices will be the same as the standard Lamy 2000 fountain pen but the price will be the same as the dialog 3.





The Writing Desk

Fountain Pen Specialists since 2000



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No idea but I will own one if they release it!!!


+1 maybe two :puddle:

"One Ink-drop on a solitary thought hath moved the minds of millions" - P R Spencer

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As per the caption in the photo, this model will be introduced in July this year. The nib choices will be the same as the standard Lamy 2000 fountain pen but the price will be the same as the dialog 3.






Boy I'd love this, but that price ...


It's good to know, though.

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It looks worse than the normal version... no ink window, solid colour...

“I would rather obey a fine lion, much stronger than myself, than two hundred rats of my own species.”


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Looks like they got rid of several of the things people often complain about: the little "ears" that catch the cap, small ink window, and slippery metal section.


Not that I agree with the naysayers ;)

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Too monochromatic for my taste...this may be a prototype, of course.

<i>"Most people go through life using up half their energy trying to protect a dignity they never had."</i><br>-Marlowe, in <i>The Long Goodbye</i>

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I like the look, which matches the description in a previous (earlier, more speculative) thread about this new pen.


I have one of the 2000 SE models, so I'm not sure I will pull the trigger on this new one. Tempting though.


Regards, greg

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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What material is that?


I guess it doesn't really matter though. It's too spendy for me.

Edited by SCPaul


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What material is that?


I guess it doesn't really matter though. It's too spendy for me.


According to the other thread, it is steel.

Best, greg

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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Not sure I like the single colour throughout. Hmm... I may come back to this and have a rethink, but at the moment, I'm happier with the current model.

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I like the monochromatic look. It's very understated, very minimalist... Very Lamy.

http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p202/Apollo3000/es-canary-islands-flag1s.gif Bendita mi tierra guanche.
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I like it. I'd love to see it when it comes out. The lack of ink window seems like a sacrifice to esthetics and not function which is not very Bauhaus, but then again, the Pelikan City series lack the window of the regular M600's and that's not a problem for me (and my Grand Place).



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I quite like the look of it, since I missed the old LE version. I may have to get one when they come out.

Does it come in broad or wider? I'll take three, then!

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