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Picture of all your pens together


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How about posting a picture of all your pens together, whether it's in your pen case or laid out on the table.



(As the topic starter, I know I'm supposed to start with a picture too....I promise that tomorrow or over the weekend)

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Not all of them but it this is what my wife and I use in our daily rotation.



Edited by PinarelloOnly
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Give us the rundown on what's in that case! The only one I can positively identify (other than by brand) is the VP.

Left to right.


Van Gogh Maxi

Conklin Ohio

Conklin Nozac

Aurora Talentum


Van Gogh Midi

Recife Traveler

Pelikan M605

Cross Townsend

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Here's a quick snap of my collection, though about ~20 pens aren't shown: 1x Aurora Optima Mini, 2x Omas Celluloids, 1x Pilot Myu Murex, 1x Gold-filled Redipoint, 1x Esterbrook Red J, 1x Esterbrook Green Dollar, 1x Sailor Eyedropper, a few Sheaffer No Nonsense', Dukes, dip pens, miniature fountain pens and a few other things I've no doubt forgotten...


Laura / Phthalo

Fountain Pens: My Collection

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As promised, here is a picture of all the fountain pens I have:




From left to right,


Parker 51 Aerometric F

Parker 51 Vac EF (I've always been meaning to trade these for a Parker 51 Aero in EF, but never got to it)

MontBlanc P145

Lamy Safari Orange Flame

Lamy Safari Blue Red

Pilot Decimo

Old Platinum pen

Parker 45

Old Sailor pen

Waterman Hemisphere

Hero 100

Pelikan 215

Pelikan 200 in Gray

Pelikan 200 in Amber

Pelikan 205 in Clear

Pelikan Piccardilly Circus

J.Herbin Glass dip pen (still haven't really played with this yet)

Pelikan M205 (photoshopped in because I forgot to take a picture of it together with the rest)


I plan to sell a Pelikan, but I can't decide with to sell at all. I seem to love all of them, yet it's crazy to keep 6 of them.

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Here's my modest assortment:



From left to right

Pelikan m800

Filcao Columbia

Bexley Simplicity

Parker 51 Aero

Sheaffer Touchdown

Esterbrook SJ

Pelikan 400 NN

Lamy 2000

Sheaffer Legacy Heritage

Sheaffer PFM I

Parker Challenger


On Top

Sheaffer Snorkel Desk Pen

Esterbrook Desk Pen


Not Pictured

Pilot Knight

Pelikan m215

Sheaffer Legacy II

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

- Baruch Spinoza

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I wonder what the Mad Dr. I is going to post to this thread? If he fits all his pens into one photo that fits on the screen without scrolling we are all going to need magnifying glasses.

"Andy Hoffman" Sandy Ego, CA

Torrey View is Andy's BlOG and Facebook me! If you visit my blog, click on the ad. I'll send all proceeds to charity.

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How about posting a picture of all your pens together, whether it's in your pen case or laid out on the table.

I'm afraid that wouldn't be physically possible. Well, at least you wouldn't be able to see all of them.



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I have a hundred or so pens and pencils which I will shoot and post soon. You will have to squint at the screen and maybe need to bear a really long list of pens. (maybe I won't list them after all) This will take a while because I have to take them out of my rotating rack shoot them and put them all back in the proper order. I have quite a few good ones. :D


Then again, it was me who was thinking of selling all my pens, but a lucky few. :doh:

I can't do it, I need the pens for reference.


I really like Italian pens, but you won't see that many. You may see many many German pens, and a bunch of Japanese ones. There will be plenty of American pens, mostly Sheaffers (I have a very large number of them). A few Chinese pens too, and a few nice Waterman('s) pens, and some Parkers. I have a few very good pens, most of which are Italian, my favourites and my perfect pen. :D


Wait, it is coming! :D



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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As promised, here is a picture of all the fountain pens I have:




I plan to sell a Pelikan, but I can't decide with to sell at all. I seem to love all of them, yet it's crazy to keep 6 of them.

It's not crazy to keep all 6 Pelikans. If anything, you should have more ;)


[You know KCat would agree with me if she were posting in this topic right now]

Sometimes I write things (as of 2013


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Here are some of my moderns ...



L-R: Laban Celebration, Nettuno Skipper, Marlen Dotcom, Tibaldi Iride, Stipula Etruria, Visconti Van Gogh, Pelikan Berlin, Pelikan M800, Parker Duofold Centennial, Sheaffer Balance II, Sheaffer Connaisseur, DaniTrio Tosca


And here are a few vintage pens (which tend to get more use, these days ...)



L-R: (front) Turnstile-25 RHR, Swan SF2, Parker Vacumatic Jnr, Vac Standard, Waterman 52, Swan eyedropper, Swan, De La Rue Onoto. (back) Sheaffer NonNonsense s/steel, DeLaRue Onoto, Vac Junior, Swan snakeskin, Swan.

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RichardS - I always love seeing your pen collection - such beautiful colors!


That Tosca is a monster! Does it write as nice as it looks?

"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

- Baruch Spinoza

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Here is my collection of fountain pens:




From left: Sheaffer Javelin, Parker 45, Parker Frontier, Parker Inflection (x2), Parker 17, Pelikan M800, Waterman Expert II, Waterman Hemisphere (x2), Cross Century II.


A Pelikan M250 (Dark-blue cap) will be added next week from Regina Martini in Germany.


All of my pens are modern except the Parker 17 which is vintage.


I have been collecting fountain pens for about 3 years now, but since I'm a student I don't have as much money to spare for pens as I would like to (do you ever have enough money?? :rolleyes:).

Edited by evercool

Currently in rotation: FPN LE Stipula Passaporto CT Italic nib, FPN LE Modello-T T-flex nib, Stipula New 22 ForgetMeNot Blue T-flex nib, Lamy 2000 EF nib, Lamy Al-Star Blue F nib, Pilot Capless Blue Carbonesque M nib.

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RichardS - I always love seeing your pen collection - such beautiful colors!


That Tosca is a monster!  Does it write as nice as it looks?

Hi Ryan. Yes, the Tosca is a fairly imposing pen; I bought it in a closeout from Winedoc. The nib is two-tone, but the base metal of it is steel. marked 'Iridium Point Germany'. It's a very nice writer in fact, similar to the Winedoc's famous $27 pen. Of the two, I prefer the Tosca as it has a very nicely shaped and tapered section.


I'll post a mini-review with pics at some point.

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These are the pens that I have so far:




From left to right, top to bottom.


Esterbrook LJ, Porsche Design, Lamy Accent, Parker Sonnet Silver Blue, Dunhill AD2000, Pelikan M200, Pelikan L1 or L65, Lamy Safari, Graf-von Faber Castell Silver Plate, Namiki Pilot Capless, Pelikan Triari (I think), Parker Jotter, Parker Relfex, Pelikan L5, Pelikan L1, Parker 45, Lamy 2000, Porsche Design 3130, and Parker Sonnet Black Lacque.






If you want anymore information on any of the pens, just let me know.


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Having focused on Parker here is what I am left with.


L to R.


A 21 followed by a 17 lady.Then some 61's.

My only Vac (so far) and a Televisor.

My 51's followed by 65's.

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