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Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo


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Hello inkophiles! Because of your bad influences, my supply of inks have steadily grown. :glare::ltcapd: Initially, my current interest in Blue and Blue Black inks started off as a search for that perfect ink to be used with my Visconti Homo Sapien. I wanted a Dark Blue with good shading characteristics because the Homo Sapien is a fire hose, especially with the 1.3mm stub, and the ink must be one that can take full advantage of the nib. Hence, I settled on the Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo, Pilot's version of Blue Black. This is the first Iroshizuku I bought, and in my excitement, I wanted to give this ink some TLC before I wrote a review.


The Tsuku-yo is a decently saturated ink with enough depth to satisfy most inkophiles' lusts as well as being a highly functional and suitable ink for every application from personal writings to professional correspondence. On the aesthetics side, Tsuki-yo has a very rich and dark Blue Black color with minimal gray undertones that shades like mad, especially in a wet nib. On the more technical side, Tsuki-yo exhibits good lubricity, so it should work well even in the driest of nibs. One caveat, the drier the nib, the lighter the shade. Tsuki-yo dries relatively quickly even on the Rhodia pad paper in the scans. It even has a relatively high degree of water-resistance. It's not archival quality, but your writing will still be legible.


I hope the following scans will give you a good idea of what to expect with this ink. The scans attempt to show how versatile the ink can be in different nibs.





(1) Pilot VP, Medium - wetness about 5-6/10, (2) Stipula 22, Ti-flex (F) - very wet, (3) Lamy 2K, Medium - wetness about 5-6/10, (4) Parker Duofold, Italic Medium - decent wetness, (5) TWSBI 530, Medium - decent wetness. The writing samples with the above pens are comparisons of various Blues and Blue-Black inks - note the difference between Tsuki-yo and Noodler's Legal Lapis.


A close up of the comparison writing sample.





The following calligraphy samples show variations in Calligraphy applications. The Copperplate was written with a vintage Pilot desk pen equipped with a Fine flexible nib. The Italics were written with an edged dip pen. I hope the comparison with Noodler's Legal Lapis shows that there is a difference in color. The last line of text was written with my Homo Sapien just to show what normal writing may look like with the 1.3mm stub. As the previous scan shows, the stub is capable of rendering a passable version of italics.






Edited by Crewel
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Thanks for a beautiful review!


The comparison shot of Tsuki-yo and Legal Lapis is spot on from this monitor.


I love that this ink is so well behaved and dries so quickly. It is one of only three Iroshizuku inks that really caught my attention.



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Wow Crewel,


That is fantastic, forget the Ink, Your Script/Handwriting is Gorgeous, you could write with Pickle Juice & it would look just as Lovely, Bravo for the great review [ink looks good too :rolleyes: ] But your pen to paper is what does the trick :clap1:




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Cool review I say, and that Calligraphy of yours! :thumbup:

See with what large letters I have written you with my own hand. GaVIxi

The pen is the interpreter of the soul: what one thinks, the other expresses. (MdC)

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Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm still practicing my Calligraphy and the examples above were not my best. There's always room for improvement. :embarrassed_smile:


I think I made a good choice with the Tsuki-yo because I wanted something that was dark with more blue in there than any other colors. I am very glad that everyone enjoys the scans, and I hope this will help deciding whether you should get this ink or not. [Hint: You should!] :vbg:

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The comparison shot of Tsuki-yo and Legal Lapis is spot on from this monitor.


Right on the money on my color-calibrated monitor as well...I use this ink and the Crewel scans have nailed the color. Professional scans...fine review...calligraphy anyone could be proud of!

This review was certainly an enjoyable read.

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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Love the stub nib you have there. Fantastic ink review! I hope to see more samples of your ink collection.

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Love the stub nib you have there. Fantastic ink review! I hope to see more samples of your ink collection.


Thanks Signum. The Homo Sapien happens to be my most expensive purchase to date, and I want to get my money's worth. :happyberet: I'll probably do more reviews with that pen, but at the same time I want to show how the ink looks in other pens for a more rounded review.


...you could write with Pickle Juice...


LOL Lava Fountain, haven't tried that yet, but I'm sure it will have a nice muted green shade similar to J. Herbin Vert Olive in a dry nib. :roflmho:

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Exquisite review! You give me inspiration to practice. practice, practice! Keep them coming Oh Crewel One! :notworthy1:

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Excellent review! Woah! Your handwriting is outstanding!!! Makes the ink really shine!

Need a pen repaired or a nib re-ground? I'd love to help you out.


Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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AWESOME review, Crewel! This is one of my favorite colors to use for its beautiful shading with flexy and italic nibs. I only WISH I could master using the flexy nibs as well as your example above! Your writing is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Look forward to more of your reviews in the future.


Warm regards,


The search for the perfect blue ink is a delicious and endless quest...

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Incredible review, thank you! :notworthy1: I picked up some Tsuki-yo this weekend from Fahrney's (to go with a brand new Aurora 88 Big with an italic nib purchased on the same trip! Egads!)


Like others noted, you've inspired me to aspire higher, but, I've got to say, my handwriting improved this weekend just using this gorgeous combination. The italic nib practically moved my hand differently, and guided me to improve my handwriting without trying that hard. I just wanted to get the shading down. But, legibility was achieved!! (Ok, my standards HAVE to be lower than yours!:embarrassed_smile: ) Just had to let the pen/ink do the work.



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I will buy this ink your review has helped me make up my mind.


:ninja: I've done my job! :ninja: I sincerely wish your enjoyment with this ink. It is a keeper for my staple stock of inks.


Exquisite review! You give me inspiration to practice. practice, practice! Keep them coming Oh Crewel One!


I'm glad I could help Esterbex. I really believe anyone can write Calligraphy, just takes time, patience and practice. Whenever I get ahold of gorgeous inks like this, it just inspires me more.


So if I buy this ink, will my writing be as beautiful as that? :yikes:


Of course DrGoretex! It might not be overnight, but hey it's a start. :vbg:


Thank you everyone for the kind words. Part of the fun of this hobby is trying out different combinations of inks and nibs, and I wanted to showcase how this ink looks and performs. The calligraphy took me awhile to be anywhere near competent with the various styles I've used in the review, but I know it is obtainable by anyone with some practice. I still have a ways to go. :embarrassed_smile: This hobby inherently provides the raw materials needed so have fun with it.

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Excelent review.


In the vintage Pilot and the Homo Sapien, it looks like a classic iron gall.


Unfortunately it's not (yet) available in the UK. So I'll have to stick with my bottle of Great British registrars ink.


Chris B.

Edited by Ipno Tizer
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Excelent review.


In the vintage Pilot and the Homo Sapien, it looks like a classic iron gall.


Unfortunately it's not (yet) available in the UK. So I'll have to stick with my bottle of Great British registrars ink.


Chris B.


I had no problems ordering from the UK, from the eBay seller Enkeiga (real-world spellings may vary). Other than the total cost, that is! The ink was worth the trouble, IMO. G'wan, you know you want to :D


Edited to add a big thumbs-up to Registrar's Ink.

Edited by orangos
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