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Italic Handwriting Competition

James Pickering

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  • James Pickering


  • wimg


  • sonia_simone


  • Stumpy


1. Renditions must be in the poster's own hand, scanned and displayed on this Board in this thread (see below).


I guess I should have made the above rule clearer. My intention is to have the entries displayed openly on this board so that viewers -- including me -- can scroll back and forth through them at will. PDF file links have to be clicked on and the content read via Adobe reader and then the viewer has to return to the board to continue browsing -- this disrupts the open viewing process.


Additionally, many people do not have Adobe installed on their computers -- I don't (my computer is full with editors, HTML/PHP/RDF/XML files, graphical browsers, screen readers, utilities and over 5000 Images) -- there are many accessibility issues with Adobe compositions.


Therefor let me clarify rule 1: entries for the competition must be openly displayed on the Board -- most probably via JPEG files.



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OK, technical types, i need help here, my scanner allows for an image to be stored as a .pdf or a .tif, and the imaging on this site works with neither tag. can someone give me tips on conversion, or better yet, perform the conversion for me? i have both the pdf and the tif files at hand on e-mail. i'll go try the flatbed scanner now for a .jpg or a .gif extension!

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Viv- send me the .tif file (I have broadband) and I will convert it to .jpg for you, if you haven't a way to do it.


Best, Ann

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Edited by Moondrop

"We have only one thing to give up. Our dominion. We don't own the world. We're not kings yet. Not gods. Can we give that up? Too precious, all that control? Too tempting, being a god?"

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OK, technical types, i need help here, my scanner allows for an image to be stored as a .pdf or a .tif, and the imaging on this site works with neither tag. can someone give me tips on conversion, or better yet, perform the conversion for me? i have both the pdf and the tif files at hand on e-mail. i'll go try the flatbed scanner now for a .jpg or a .gif extension!

Hi Viv,


Here it is:


the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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thanks wim, you just saved me an infinity of trouble, as the flatbed scanner was not working---and ann, thanks for your offer, but wim has taken care of it, the quality is as good as if not better than my pdf file.

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It's a pleasure, Viv. Took al of 5 minutes, as I have some pdf-maker application, which allows one to pull out parts, too. So extracted the pic, then resized it for here, and uploaded it.


It was a pleasure to help out!


Warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Here's my entry. It is a big file, so please let me know if it needs to be downsized for this thread. The pen used was a Waterman Phileas which I had modified to a cursive italic. The ink was Waterman Black. The paper was a non-descript Ampad Gold Fiber pad that I had laying around. :)


Thanks, Jim, for organizing this. It was a good incentive to practice my handwriting. I tend to write quickly at work and I have to push hard on the duplicate forms that I use, so I've developed a lot of bad habits in my writing.




Edit: I didn't like my first sample, so I did another one. I have been trying to write with a gentle rightward slant, but I have been unable to maintain any sort of uniformity to the slant, so I have decided to just start writing with upright letters. It seems to work better for me. Besides, I think that I am more of a "straight-up-and-down" sort of guy. ;)


Edited by TMann
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I think a french entry would add some spices even if it's not my best shot :P


Part from the Little Prince by Saint-Exupery written with a Danitrio shishi byagudan-nuri stub nib and Parker black Penman ink.

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James, thanks for the opportunity to compete for your lovely book. Italic is my favorite, too! Chris



Edited by Chrysoulla
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Here is my entry.


Edited by sonia_simone

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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This is some of the most awesome handwriting I've ever seen - lots of talent here. Look like it's time for me to get something with an italic nib and start practicing! At the moment no one would want to look at my incomprehensible chicken scratch :)


I am working to correct that however! 40 years of sloppy handwriting isa hard habit to break! This gives me a goal!

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There is some awesome handwriting on display here, I am writing my entry up today which will be nowhere near as good as these entries, but I am game to enter as I am desperate to improve my handwriting. Am hoping to have it uploaded here a bit later.


Good luck to everyone!



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I would like to thank James again for the contest. It gave me the opportunity to work on some faults and make some improvements. And it is wonderful to see such excellent examples that I can perhaps aspire to.

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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Hi all,


Here is my attempt at italic handwriting. I really need to practice more. But I think overall it came out ok.


Also, thank you James for the opportunity to see so many inspiring exemplars. They all make me want to shut off the tv and practice, practice, practice.


Good luck to all and enjoy!!


Take care and have a great day!!




Thank you and have a great day!!!


James E.Merritt

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