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Green/Black Ink


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I was asked today to recommend a green/black ink, and I don't have anything that fits the bill in my hoard. What would you suggest as a green/black, or at least a very dark green? Thanks!



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Montblanc Racing Green.

Pelikan 140 OB

Pelikan M605 blue F

Pelikan M200 transparent (Demonstrator Japan) M

Pelikan Level 65 yellow M

Pelikan Level 65 red B  

Pelikan Go! black/magenta M

Pelikan Go! black/petrol M

Pelikan M70/Go! (C/C) magenta B

Pelikan Steno red (70s)

Lamy Safari charcoal 1.5 mm italic

Lamy Safari yellow EF

Lamy Vista Eyedropper 1.9 mm italic

Reform P 120

2x Reform 1745


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Noodler's Zhivago.


If a dark green, rather than a black with hints of green in many pens, is wanted, MB Racing Green is indeed nice and PR Ebony is a true dark green.

Edited by lefty928
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+ 1 for PR ebony green in terms of color. However, it took me a few pen combinations to find one in which I really enjoyed its behavior (right now - Pelikan Poloar Lights M nib. Such a nice color that Richard Binder commented on it when turning my M nib into a F-M "stubbish" nib).


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All right.



Noodler's Zhivago.














Noodler's Zhivago.


What she said.

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I love Racing Green. It's a definite olive-y green--it really depends on the nib size and flow as to how dark it appears, especially on bright white paper. For a truly dark green, I would probably go with Zhivago. It is a wonderful, free-flowing blackish green, and is quickly becoming one of my favorite inks.

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If you want something a tick lighter than Zhivago (but still dark green), try Noodler's Sequoia. Not a green-black exactly, more like a green-gray.


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Noodlers Zhivago, Sequoia. Herbin Lierre Sauvage (Wild Ivy).

Some people say they march to a different drummer. Me? I hear bagpipes.

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Noodlers Bad Green Gator is pretty nice. Here's a quick sample of the color.



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Seconds on Zhivago which in any sort of wet pen is basically black. A good all-rounder Ebony Green which rather nice. But I just can't seem to get myself to take an ink seriously unless it's some relation of blue, purple, teal or black. I think I must be colourist.

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I was asked today to recommend a green/black ink, and I don't have anything that fits the bill in my hoard. What would you suggest as a green/black, or at least a very dark green? Thanks!




Though I'm not generally one of the Noodler's people around here, I have been using Aircorp Blue-Black quite a bit, of late. Despite the name, the color is definitely a Green-Black (it can look like straight-up black at first glance). The ink has been very well-behaved for me, and is one of Noodler's almost bulletproof (or something like that) - if exposed to water, some component of the color is washed away, but the bulletproof portion remains. This one might be worth a look...





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Thanks everybody! I do have some MB Racing Green I can let him try and see if that's dark enough. Otherwise I'll order in some of that Noodlers Zhivago.



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