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What blue pens amaze you? Any recomendations?


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While many of us go for pens simply for the nib, I would like a blue colored pen. Blue is by far my favorite color. When I look at my work shirts I realize that 85% of them are some form of blue. Blue always catches my eye. I have been wanting to get a new pen and would like it to be blue. This rollerball on e-bay has made me fall in love with it. I just love the pattern, it's probably the best looking color I have ever seen on a pen. However the seller wants $225 for a kit pen plus it's only a roller ball. What is everyone's favorite blue pen?


Image by Mojos500





Oh how I wish I could find a fountain pen like this or at least whatever the material is and have one made.

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That looks like an Aurora Optima, though it is not, and what a pen it is. Does this look familiar? (image courtesy of Joon)


Edited by Nikhil

A Proud 14 Year Old Fountain Pen User!

What I want:[/color]

Aurora Talentum

Pilot Custom 823 Amber Bought on 4.1.10

Lamy 2000

Omas Paragon

Sailor Realo

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Well Montegrappa makes the Espressione in blue and the fountain pen is the same price as that kit pen, plus it has an 18K nib.



Photos Courtesy of WorldLux, Inc.

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I would recommend finding a Visconti Vangogh Maxi in blue, and they have fantastically smooth nibs.Or you may consider a Taccia Momento, they have steel nibs but mine writes very smooth.

Edited by Pippin60

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- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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Blue is nice.


There is the Azure Blue as in this Conway Stewart 58:




and the Lapis as in this CS 100:




or the Blue Stardust as in this Conway Stewart Duro:




If you love simple lines there is the OMAS Ogiva:




or the clean lines of a Sheaffer as seen in the third pen from the right.




But if vibrant blue is what you seek, consider a Pelikan. This example is a Pelikan 600 but the blue is available in other sizes as well.






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My wife gave me this for Christmas. (I posted this photo in the thread about Christmas gifts received.) It's a Visconti Opera from the "Elements" collection and the color is called "water blue" I think. I have a handful of blue pens, but this is the most unique one I have. The resin is very textural in appearance--it looks like a polished geode.





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There are amazing blue pens out there. Are you planning to buy one or just wanting to know which ones we like?


The Parker Doufold Lapis is hard to beat.



The modern version is not bad either: (images from a Sampei sale here at FPN).




And they are blue beauties on a budget, such as the Lamy Studio Blue LE:



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Let's not overlook the Sheaffer PFM, one of my all time favorite pens, with blue versions available for all of the versions, I-V.


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I've got a Mont Blanc Verne and Poe. The Poe is a more classic looking pen and the Verne is very modern looking.


Don't have photos of my versions of the pen but they can be found on the MB site via the links below.





My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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My Parker Duofold in Moderne Blue- the real old one, not the reissue. And the Pelikan M205 blue demo- got that for Christmas this year and I wasn't going to say anything about it until I did a review. :headsmack:


Cruddy pics, but oh well, it's the best I have at the moment...





Need to get pics of the M205 yet, those will have to wait until a sunny day.

Edited by LedZepGirl

I'd rather spend my money on pens instead of shoes and handbags.


>>> My Blog <<<


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my favorites are my VP and my vac






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this... (PenFountain.co.uk)


Edited by tanburi

Cogitamus non ideam sed per ideam.

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A few of my favorite blue pens:




LeBoeuf #40; Lamy "Sweden" Safari; Omas Tokyo; Wahl Bantam; Parker Jotter; Esterbrook Relief; Sheaffer Snorkel; Sheaffer PFM-III; Waterman 92V; Waterman Lady Patricia; Waterman 32; Majestic(?)


Regards, greg

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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And mine:


(Bexley)Martini LE, Bexley Sheherazade, Visconti Voyager, CS Windsor, Delta Tuareg LE, 2 Parker "51"s

Edited by rogerb

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.


Don Marquis

US humorist (1878 - 1937)

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I seem to recall that not too long ago there was a "Show us your blue pens" topic. I think it was in the pen photography forum.

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As far as blue pens go, the only ones that really get me are the Visconti Van Gogh (and only with the right proportion of blue to other things) and the Sailor 1911M in dark blue. Other than that, other blue pens are just nice IMHO. Not bad, but only two really stand out and make me like them a lot.



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I seem to recall that not too long ago there was a "Show us your blue pens" topic. I think it was in the pen photography forum.


Well, I missed it! :thumbup: So thanks for the post for there are some beauties shown here. Mine are these:




Delta Europa a soft firm nib;




Omas Roma 2000, a super-wet writer;




Stipula I castoni Lapis; semi flex nib with a nice toothiness;




Visconti Van Gogh Mini, which I ground to a stub;




and my Pelikan M600 which is a deep brilliant blue.

sonia alvarez




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