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Blue and Green Noodler's inks

Michael R.

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Especially the turquoise and cyan blue colors (Ottoman Azure, Blue, Navajo Turquoise, Navy...) are difficult to adjust after scanning; they are much brighter and intense as well as more towards true cyan color in real life.

The red ink chart has been previously posted:


I will try to post more colors (purple, pink, brown,...) soon.


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Great scans. I'm really becoming interested in Noodler's ink and this was a very informative post. Thanks for sharing!

"Instant gratification takes too long."-Carrie Fisher

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Thanks. Very nice.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right

to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,

and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:14-15

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Great scan of the blues and greens. I still try to like Sequoia (keep thinking it is perfect for a 1945 Emerald Pearl Vacumatic Major) and wish the sample you scanned looked like the sample I have. Mine looks grayer, but the Squeteague I have is not as muted as your swab. I guess I'll be sticking with the Squeteague for now.


Keep up the good work.



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Many thanks for your nice comments!


...perfect for a 1945 Emerald Pearl Vacumatic Major) ... but the Squeteague I have is not as muted as your swab. I guess I'll be sticking with the Squeteague for now.



You are right; the Squeteague is slightly darker, more intense and brilliant in real life (the scans look more realistic on a flat screen compared to a traditional monitor).


I like using Pilot Iroshizuku Syo-Ro in my green striped Vacumatic (but this is the older model which shows more turquoise green tones compared to the newer Vacumatics which show more olive green tones) which is slightly more towards a true green and has less turquoise tones compared to the Squeteague. The Syo-Ro also is a little bit lighter.







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Very timely!


Just yesterday I just pulled out my Habanero, Apache Sunset, and Dragon's Napalm in a quest to fine the perfect orange. The H and AP are too reddish/dark for the clear cheerful orange I'm hoping to find. The DN looks okay on some papers, but looked almost peachy/pinkish on my test yesterday.


I've been wondering for over a year about the Summer Tanager, and there you have it up against Dragon's Napalm. My question is answered! I have to get a bottle.


Many thanks!

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